View Full Version : my abused redtail.

03-09-05, 10:37 AM
since last april i have been fighting to save a RTB that came from an abused home. she got her 3rd surgery feb. 2nd. this surgery is the first time they put her under for it. my snakes old owner thought it was fine to throw live rats in with her. well the rats ate her head and that turned into an infection that has to be removed. x-rays also showed that the old owner had broken her back with a blunt instrument. she has had lumps removed 3 times. when i got her home from the last surgery she started coughing up blood. the vet said that was from swollowing blood from the surgery and from the anesthetic. to save her life it has cost me over a thousand dollars. but she is well worth it.

when i seems snappy about people feeding live that is the reason.
i took the rescue after only having snakes for one year. that was a bad idea. if it wasnt for people like julius squeezer and bwsmith me and chance wouldn't have made it.

next time you think about feeding live look at these pics. if that dont do it for you then think about spending a 1,000 dollars.

this first pic is of her first surgery


these next pics are of her last surgery. excuse the way i look. i had cried through the whole last surgery and looked like heck.


a kiss from the mom after i got her home from the last surgery. after i realized that that was a bad idea cause i could have given her germs. but i was a wreck and didn't think.


next is what she puked up after her surgery. this scared me more then i ever was in my life.


03-09-05, 10:41 AM
well her last surgery was feb.2nd and she is doing good. she is back to her old tricks :) i rub the old break in her back about 15 minutes a night. she holds real still and seems to enjoy it. well last night she enjoyed it way to much. she took over my computer chair. i had to stand and type. lol. she always gets her way. i ended up turning her soaking tub upside down and sitting on that. ever try to get an 8 foot boa off a computer chair?


03-09-05, 10:52 AM
Thats an awsome recovery story. COngradulations.
How someone could abuse such a beautiful snake is beyond me. Those type of people should not even have kids let alone animals.

Money is no object when caring for something you love. I feel the exact same way.

Peace and Good luck with her in the future


03-09-05, 10:52 AM
For a snake lover, like me, those first pics bring chills. so sad.

But on another subject: Lady, read your topic title slowly to yourself and realise how dirty it sounds. MY ABUSED RED TAIL (?!) hehe ;)

03-09-05, 10:55 AM
:( That is such a sad story, I'm teary-eyed. It absolutely breaks my heart to hear stories like this, involving any kind of animal. I think that those pictures will be 100x more useful in convincing people to not feed live than that picture of the torn up ball python that's been floating around for a while.

Huge, giant, humongous kudos to you for doing something so great for that little boa.

03-09-05, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by JimmyDavid
For a snake lover, like me, those first pics bring chills. so sad.

But on another subject: Lady, read your topic title slowly to yourself and realise how dirty it sounds. MY ABUSED RED TAIL (?!) hehe ;)

lmao. i didn't even think of that.:o

03-09-05, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by JimmyDavid

But on another subject: Lady, read your topic title slowly to yourself and realise how dirty it sounds. MY ABUSED RED TAIL (?!) hehe ;)

...what a dork. :mad:

That's quite an experience the two of you have gone through. I'm so happy she has someone like you to take such good care of her.

03-09-05, 11:01 AM
well that is how she got the name 2nd chance. i plan on giving her the best life possible. everybody tells me how she is so lucky to have came to me...i honestly feel im the lucky one to have got her. she dont have a mean bone in her body even after all the abuse.

03-09-05, 11:07 AM
"World's Greatest Snake Mom" indeed! You're awesome!

03-09-05, 11:16 AM
Originally posted by RMBolton
"World's Greatest Snake Mom" indeed! You're awesome!

somebody made that avatar for me. i thought it was so nice of the lady that i have kept it as an avatar since.

03-09-05, 02:25 PM
It's horrible what some people will do thier to thier pets. Hats off to you it's not easy to take the time and patience and emotinal strength to care for an abused snake like that. I'm so glad to hear she's recovering well from her surgerys. Deffently some strong pictures to convert people over to feeding dead.
I hope she continues to recover, congrads and thank you for taking the time and love to care for a snake in such need. I agree you deffently earned that avater:)
Take care and best of luck

03-09-05, 02:52 PM
This story disturbed me on levels you can't imagine. I am also VERY against live feeding for reasons such as this, but it seems that feeding live wasn't the only irresponsible thing that was going on here. I have the highest respect for you for spending the money on nursing this boa back to health. Few would have done that. As disturbing as this story is, it warmed my heart at the same time. Kudos to you, and best of luck with your boa.

03-09-05, 03:09 PM
well good news today :) i fed her a rabbit. she was getting rabbits befor surgery but after she had to have 3 medium rats so her wound wouldnt open. well she ate the rabbit with no problem :) her one eye has always stayed blue cause the infection hides behind it. today almost all the blue is gone :) it has been blue for 10 months.

03-09-05, 03:17 PM
Originally posted by Nicky
It's horrible what some people will do thier to thier pets. Hats off to you it's not easy to take the time and patience and emotinal strength to care for an abused snake like that. I'm so glad to hear she's recovering well from her surgerys. Deffently some strong pictures to convert people over to feeding dead.
I hope she continues to recover, congrads and thank you for taking the time and love to care for a snake in such need. I agree you deffently earned that avater:)
Take care and best of luck

thanks from me and chance :) it always makes me feel good to know so many people have chance in thier thoughts:)

03-09-05, 03:29 PM
An absolutly amazing recovery story. You have my utmost respect for what you have done.

03-09-05, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by Cake
An absolutly amazing recovery story. You have my utmost respect for what you have done.

thank you :)

03-09-05, 04:36 PM
That's an awesome story -- Best of luck to you both... :D

03-09-05, 05:38 PM
Incredible Story. Very few people will have done the same thing. You have also my greatest respect.

03-09-05, 05:40 PM
thanks everybody. she is well worth all of it though :)

03-09-05, 05:42 PM
Really nice story. Good for you! And good for the snake.

I'd like to see some more pics when you get them! :D


03-09-05, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by marisa
Really nice story. Good for you! And good for the snake.

I'd like to see some more pics when you get them! :D

you asked for it. i have hundreds of pics of her :)

03-09-05, 06:23 PM
here is a pic of how you can see the whole top of her right eye. it had to be removed with one of the lumps. the left eye is the one that has been blue for 10 months.
had her out last night. my daughter didn't think it was as funny as i did that chance got involved in the jigsaw puzzle
her beautiful colors.
her size compared to mine. she is 8 foot and i am 5 foot.

03-09-05, 06:30 PM
last pic i was in my PJs. lol if i had the camera i would show you guys how the wound is almost invisible today :)

03-09-05, 08:06 PM
I'll add my kudos and admiration for taking in and really helping such a poorly kept snake. Good job :)

She looks much better already, hope she's with you for a very long time.

03-09-05, 08:09 PM
i dont know her age. but i'm praying she will be around at least 25 yrs.

03-09-05, 09:42 PM
We'll pull for the same then. :)

03-09-05, 09:47 PM
Originally posted by Invictus
We'll pull for the same then. :)

thank you :)

03-09-05, 10:08 PM
good for you! I think people should start designing posters and post them in pet stores and tell them to start feeding frozen instead of live. But I understand that some snakes wont take frozen, but for the ones that can.


03-09-05, 10:19 PM
i will never ever feed live.

03-10-05, 01:45 AM
Poor girl, im sorry abot what happend. At least she has an owner who knows what she is doing now. I hope she gets to feeling better :)

03-10-05, 08:06 AM
Originally posted by Rikki
Poor girl, im sorry abot what happend. At least she has an owner who knows what she is doing now. I hope she gets to feeling better :)

the old owner did all that to her purposely. but someday she will get hers. i just wishi was there to see it.

03-10-05, 09:11 AM
That avatar captures my feelings towards you and your kindness and caring. I am moved by your story and glad to see things look so positive. Thanks for sharing.

03-10-05, 09:42 AM
Louise, I guess I haven't paid attention because this is the first I've seen you on this board. I'm so happy to hear that Chance is back on her rabbits. Yummy for her!! I love stories with happy endings and hers sounds like it is definitely going to be one:)

03-10-05, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by hbwright
Louise, I guess I haven't paid attention because this is the first I've seen you on this board. I'm so happy to hear that Chance is back on her rabbits. Yummy for her!! I love stories with happy endings and hers sounds like it is definitely going to be one:)

thats all i want...is for her to have a happy and painless life. a happy ending indeed :)

Manitoban Herps
03-10-05, 12:11 PM
Way 2 go Snake Mom!

03-10-05, 12:18 PM
Good job saving the BCI!! Seems like you've done a miracle for that snake, its wonderful!! It seems like her last owner would need a little beating up with blunt weapons and exposed to a few thousant hungry rats...


03-10-05, 01:27 PM
Evill11, I belong to a pet rat website, and they are against live feeding (as you can imagine), the place where I just rescued 2 girl rats has a woman that works at the shelter that refuses to feed anything but live beliveing nothing wrong can happen (it's a bp she has).

I want to post your pics on the pet rat site, so this other person can see that something CAN and most likely WILL go wrong. (of course I will give you absolute full credit).

03-10-05, 01:31 PM
Would you mind if I have a link to that forum sapphire_moon
? Im getting in to the rodent keeping hobby, and would like to visit that forum if possible.

03-10-05, 01:53 PM
sure, www.goosemoose.com/rfc, btw they are a bit rough on newbies sometimes ;) lol

so can I use your pics? I want to be 100% sure before I post them!

03-10-05, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by sapphire_moon
Evill11, I belong to a pet rat website, and they are against live feeding (as you can imagine), the place where I just rescued 2 girl rats has a woman that works at the shelter that refuses to feed anything but live beliveing nothing wrong can happen (it's a bp she has).

I want to post your pics on the pet rat site, so this other person can see that something CAN and most likely WILL go wrong. (of course I will give you absolute full credit).

you dont know how much i would love for you to do that :) i dont care about the credit. it is so worth it if it stops even one person from feeding live.

03-10-05, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by sapphire_moon
sure, www.goosemoose.com/rfc, btw they are a bit rough on newbies sometimes ;) lol

so can I use your pics? I want to be 100% sure before I post them!

please feel free to. i dont need the credit for the pics. :)

03-10-05, 11:52 PM
her being a snake and all, i wonder if she gets embarrassed from all the kisses and hugs. lol


03-11-05, 01:00 AM
I see it in her face, "awww mom not in front of the camera" LOL.

Congratulations on having such a beautiful snake and Kudos for your care for her. So many would have just given up. I also agree on not feeding live, although it took me over a year to completely switch 3 of mine, I managed to get there.

Wishing you many years together.

03-11-05, 05:49 AM
thank you nita :)

03-11-05, 05:51 AM
"awww mom not in front of the camera

lol. you are probably right.

03-11-05, 07:03 PM
Glad there are others out there with big hearts.
Those pics really got me. I get some occasionally that are also injured badly, though thankfully not too often.
I kept the ball that cost me $500 us in vet bills due to a cat. I figure "Ill keep him since he cost me a fortune.":D
Really nice job yer doing.

03-11-05, 07:15 PM
awww. im glad you're gonna keep the BP. that is great you cared enough to save him :)