View Full Version : Flexwatt Questions

Tony Paxton
03-07-05, 11:09 PM
Hey im doing a order of flexx watt for a racking system for Glass tanks. and a few rubber maids. im thinking about getting 4" tape and lining the back horazontal at the small end on the tanks. Should i place it at the sides or ont he bottomof the tanks? and should i get 11" instead would it work better?, and are snakes and geckos ok just on flexx watt on long as it is maintained at the right temp? plxz email Bike_Aholick@hotmail.com Thanks Tony

03-08-05, 02:43 AM
4" won't really work all that well unless its under the Rubbermaids 3/4 at the back (or front, I guess it really doesn't matter). Only the 11" stuff is sufficient to run down the backs of snake racks.

03-13-05, 12:00 PM
I agree with Jeff, 3 and 4" is more used for belly heat. 11" on the back will be fine for juvi animals...