View Full Version : Albino pastel pics

03-07-05, 09:06 PM
Just wondering if anyone else has seen the pics that were posted on the kingsnake.com ball forum http://forums. k i n g s n a k e .com/view.php?id=729964,729964

I think it looks pretty cool!, Thoughts?

03-07-05, 09:11 PM
very nice, I wish I had one of those.

03-07-05, 10:31 PM
I saw those pics too, OMG, add to want list!!

03-07-05, 10:57 PM
Yeah, it looks pretty cool. Not a killer, IMO but still nice and a good snake to have around. ;)

csolis, in the future, you can just change one character of the url so people don't have to delete a bunch of spaces. :)

http://forums.king*snake.com/view.php?id=729964,729964 ;)

03-08-05, 01:34 AM
It's alright......

Not what I thought it would look like though.


03-08-05, 07:47 AM
Thanks for the tip Tim.

03-08-05, 11:46 AM
Does anyone know of where to find more pictures of albino pastles? Oh and Tim thanks again for the tape, it have my rack all set up and its running great.

03-08-05, 12:41 PM
Things are lookin' up for this new morph. For sure.

03-08-05, 01:25 PM
** LOL wow my typing sucks, I didn't change it but did notice how bad it is **

WOuld be nice to see some good pictures. I am always leery of picutes that are poor quality. But yes, very cool, I would love to see it in a few months.


03-08-05, 01:27 PM
I'd like to see this morph in a few months/years as well. It LOOKS nice but from my standpoint the best thing about them is they are able to produce both albinos and pastels.


03-08-05, 02:35 PM
I'd also like to see the morph in a few months/years. As it currently looks, I don't think it is an impressive morph.

03-08-05, 05:17 PM
The difference is day and night form the pic that Tom posted of his 8 month old from the pics that I have of a newborn(s) from M. Bell. This morph, (regardless of what it looks like, and I love how it's going to look) is next to priceless for it's genetics. I can hardly wait to produce a few next season....

03-08-05, 10:06 PM
priceless for it's genetics

Come on... it’s not even a double recessive morph. This is just the combination of the 2 most common morphs. I think they are not as common as you would expect them to be simply because they are not that attractive.

Anyway, finding it attractive is a matter of personal taste and perhaps mine will change with better pictures or seeing in real life but, ultimately, I don't think this morph will be able to retain the same level of awe (and incidentally, $ value) as something like a hypo pastel or hypo mojave.

03-08-05, 10:56 PM
So wrong! (DP, oh well...)

03-08-05, 10:56 PM
So wrong.

03-08-05, 11:31 PM
I would also like to see a better picture. Those were nice, but not a "gotta have"

But maybe it was just the photos

03-08-05, 11:40 PM
It will not come up for me can someone post the link again. I really want to see what they look like.


03-09-05, 12:15 AM
Yeah, that isnt as great as I hoped it would be, but we shall see what it looks like as it matures with time.

Sid, take Tim's Link and remove the asterix:
http://forums.king*snake.com/view.php?id=730617,730617 (http://forums.kingsnake.com/view.php?id=730617,730617)


03-09-05, 12:22 AM
Thanks chris I see it now that is one nice lookiing ball I can not wait to see what that looks like as an adult.