View Full Version : Not Eating??

03-06-05, 03:42 PM
I have some concerns about my dragon. At first I thought that she was burmating but now I am not totally sure. She has been a lot more active lately but she still wont eat or poop. She hasn't really eaten or pooped in a couple of months? One good thing is that she hasn't lost any weight over this duration. Could this be impaction, if so what are the signs of impaction?


03-06-05, 09:45 PM
she hasnt eaten or pooped in a couple of months!!!! you should have taken her to the vet a couple of months ago! that is not a good thing at all, i wouldnt think a beardie could even survive that long without food. my advice is take it to a vet asap!

03-06-05, 09:55 PM
a beardie might be able to survive that long without food... but not without losing any weight. I think he ment that she's been HARDLY eating (only taking a small portion of food every now and then) impaction could be a possibility.. what kind of substrate is she on? Now that she's being more active is she also eating a bit more then she was while she was being 'dormant' it could very well be brumation.. and it would make sence and the timings pretty good as well.


03-07-05, 03:47 AM
She would always take some food like one or two super worms per week but nothing compaired to what she usually ate. She is on a sand substate. I have showed her to a couple of my friends tonight that are a lot more experienced with lizards and they think that she is fine and not showing any signs of impaction. They said that it is proly the tail end of her burmating.

03-07-05, 07:01 AM
oh i thought she hasnt ate even a little bit, as in not showing any interest in food, my girlfriend is going through the same thing with her water dragon, its frusterating when they dont eat, and if a vet isnt close by then its expensive to take it there. but if you dont notice an improvment in a little while, i would suggest taking it to a vet, ive had 3 beardies and with them if they exhibited this behavior i would know something is wrng, but every beardie is different from the next. good luck sam

03-07-05, 07:03 AM
and a sign of impaction is, your dragon acting different sluggish, and of course if the dragon isnt pooping. with my biggest male beardie for some stupid reason he wont poop in his cage so i have to either put him in a thing of water or put him in my water dragon cage lol, that usually makes him go right away especially if he hasnt gone in a day or 2.

03-07-05, 05:21 PM
My dragons defecate on a daily basis - if yours has not in months there is a big problem. Could you be a little more specific as to how much he / she is defecating / eating?

Furthermore, how often are you offering your dragon water? For any constipated reptiles, I have found offering them pears does the trick, I have no idea why, but it works. Second, a nice soak in warm water will help get things moving.

Signs of impaction are anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea and depression. If you are legitimately concerned, consult a veterinarian.