View Full Version : Return of the jedi..I mean...me

03-06-05, 03:19 PM
Hello I am an avid herp enthusiast and animal lover. I have rasied, caught, bought, observed, and held Many species of animals over my short 15 years of walking this earth. Since i was a baby I have interacted with herps, including tales of iguana wrangling, anole capturing, snake taming, and other humorous baby antics. I currently am restricted from venomous animals due to my mother, Yet i do deal with native hots and large boids. I teach classes in my school from time to time, and I shuttle my animals around to display them to the public and help dissipate the fear of herps. I am excited for my years ahead to eventually become a herpetologist, and work with more exotic species (although i do deal with many large to odd animals on a daily basis.) My life has fluxuated between other hobbies and herps, I have ended up being a herp loving maniac instead of a video game playing dullard. My life is for animals and the propagation of native and exotic species. By the way my name is philip.
Oh and my favorite quote is:
"my name is talky tina and im going to kill you."
That episode rocks

03-10-05, 07:41 PM
.......no one replied.....family like membership my butt!.....:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

dont make me metamorphasis into my demon form...its really scary!

:zi: ..........(turns into) :eb:

03-10-05, 08:00 PM
I guess they're picky...


03-10-05, 08:01 PM
Welcome to the site! :D

03-10-05, 08:08 PM

03-10-05, 11:13 PM
Yay I feel special. -smile-


03-12-05, 05:04 PM
Welcome to sSNAKESs! :)