View Full Version : boa vs python

03-04-05, 03:20 PM
whats the diffrence between the two?

03-04-05, 06:37 PM
There is alot of diffrences, I think you need to be a little more spcefic..


03-04-05, 06:50 PM
I will list a few differences, plus i will tell the other guy that he dosnt need to narrow it down. Its not a broad question.

Besides the different anatomy of the two there are a couple differences, including:

Pythons are almost strictley an old world species, while boas live in the new world. Also boas give birth to their young live, while pythons lay eggs. Pythons have heat pits while most boas dont, yet some do.
There are other random differences I wont get into detail with because they are so small, but the floor is open if anyone wants to add any other differences.

03-04-05, 07:13 PM
Tell me then

03-04-05, 07:41 PM
Tell you what??

03-04-05, 08:29 PM
I'd like to know wich of the two species has the better disposition, or does this go by individual snake or sub species. I know that ball pythons are usually very nice tempered and most common boas. But which are the better tempered or does it all go by the individual snake and how much handling it gets? Or other conditionings? I know that my blue tongues can get rather nasty if while they are gravid or if the temps go up to high, are snakes the same in these cases?

03-04-05, 10:17 PM
Follow this link, it doesn't tell the differences, or even have any relevant to the question info, but it does prove Hollywood can make a movie out of just about anything.



03-04-05, 10:20 PM
yeah i heard about that movie never saw it though.

03-05-05, 10:11 AM
I saw it. Not that great, if you didn't see it you didn't miss much. Wasted 4 buck on it. lol.

03-06-05, 10:02 AM
damzookeeper: Regarding your previous question... you're right, individual temperament and degree of handling (they can be overhandled too) has as much to do with disposition as the type of snake. I once had a corn snake (puppy dogs of the snake world) that was very nasty, partly because he was a mean personality and mostly because I never handled him.

There are some species variation in disposition (e.g. carpet pythons can be a bit nippy as youngsters) but most of the smaller non-arboreal boas and pythons make good pets.

By the way, pythons and boas are not "species"; they are "families". The classification categories in descending order are family, genus, species, subspecies. For example, Burmese pythons and carpet pythons are different species. Jungle carpet pythons and West Papuan carpet pythons are different subspecies.

03-06-05, 10:42 AM
Thanks blackpine. I'm still rather new to snakes. I've not had mine for a year yet. I"ve got corns, a milk, western hognoses, balls, and a ksb. They are really fasinating and I'm finding much easier all around than my lizards, excluding my blue tongues. :) I'd never give them up. I"m partial to blueys. ;) But the snakes are awesome!

03-07-05, 12:22 AM
not true!! you see a snake get busy with a girl in the back seat of her bf's car..LOL, jk. The movie was pointless, and false.

03-07-05, 01:04 AM
lmfao.. Ya that boas vs python movie was complete garbage, I never saw it but just by looking at the cover i would tell it was bs. lol



03-11-05, 03:06 PM
I'm getting ready to buy a baby bci tomorrow!! I have a ball python and handle her (maybe) once a week. Balls tend to be a little more nervy than boas, they also get stressed out pretty easy and don't like to be handled very much---not sure that ANY snake really likes to be handled.....but from what I've gathered boas can be a bit more relaxed and become rather tame with time.

Are you thinking of getting a boa damzookeeper?

03-11-05, 06:13 PM
Hi Joey. yes, I'm thinking of getting a bci or bcc in the future. Only once we build the new snake caging units though. And right now we are renovating our bathroom, so far it's cost about 5 grand, so the cages wont be for a few more months I'm sure. lol.
I have 3 bps and I find them very easy to handle, very laid back and friendly, not too nervous at all. I handle them at least once a week, more in summer. Even my littlest girl (born in Sept.) is pretty easy going. I've been working with her to be less nervous when touched on the head and she is starting to really accept it, without hiding her head. It's my milk snake that I think is the spaziest. lol, if that is a word. ;) She is just nutts when handled and I have to work with her more than any of the other snakes I have.

Anyway, good luck with the purchase of your bci and don't forget to post pics once you have her or him. ;)

03-11-05, 07:14 PM
5 grand! ...ouch!

My female bp is very easy going too. When I first got her though she was more prone to striking out at me. Seems to have settled down an awful lot. She's been fasting forever---she did eat about two weeks ago though but wouldn't accept when I tried a week later.

Milk snakes are so beautiful! What kind do you have?

I am really excited about the show tomorrow! Got everything all set up and ready. I hope there are baby bci's there. Yeah, I will post pics as soon as I am able. :D


03-11-05, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by joey
5 grand! ...ouch!

My female bp is very easy going too. When I first got her though she was more prone to striking out at me. Seems to have settled down an awful lot. She's been fasting forever---she did eat about two weeks ago though but wouldn't accept when I tried a week later.

Milk snakes are so beautiful! What kind do you have?

I am really excited about the show tomorrow! Got everything all set up and ready. I hope there are baby bci's there. Yeah, I will post pics as soon as I am able. :D


Ya, but nearly 2 grand just for the corner whirlpool bath. My daughter's excited, it seats 3. She can't wait to have a couple girlfriends sleep over and bring their bathing suits. lol.

I can honestly say you are the first person I've talked to that has bps that said they were agressive in anyway. Never heard of any striking. lol. My female curls in a ball with her head tucked in with strangers. My 2 males are older and they are just sweet hearts all around. sounds funny for a snake but couldn't explain it any other way, they are great.

As for the milksnake I have a tangerine female. She is awesome but a real spaz. she is under a year, hates to be handles and very often musks me. I've got stiked at a couple times, but she is usually pretty good unless I startle her.


If you interested in seeing my other snakes you can see them under snakes on my site. I've got my 3 bps, my milk, a ksb, a pair of hognoses, and some corns. In the future I want to add a bci or bcc. Or maybe both. lol. If I can bring myself to cut down my collection in other areas. I also have a ton of lizards. Bds, bts, oci skinks, a berber, leos, fatties and cresteds, a uro and a plated lizard. Hmm, think that's all the scales. Then I also have 3 collonies of rats, a 1.2 collony that is actually my pets, they get played with almost daily. A ferret, a hedgehog, cockatiels, and we're getting a boxer pup in about a month. Very busy here. lol

03-12-05, 09:31 AM
For the original question: Python and boa are from the same family because each one has a remant of ''bassin'' bone (sorry, I don't remember the english word: I mean the bone to with the legs are attached to) and vestigial legs (spurs).

The principal difference between them is than pythons are egglayers (oviparous) and boas give life to living baby (ovoviviparous).

03-12-05, 12:20 PM
Nice site damzookeeper! Your geckos are awesome!

I got my baby bci today!! wooo-hoooo!

I'll post a picture of him in a week or so ---once he settles in a bit.


03-12-05, 12:56 PM
Thanks Joey, Congrats on the new additions. Can't wait to see pics of your bci. :)