View Full Version : boa breeding

03-03-05, 08:33 PM
i wanna breed my boas and need full instructions...im reading diff things everywhere...ANY info is helpful

03-04-05, 01:37 AM
Buy the Boa Manual, or get the VPI video/DVD on breeding Boas.

03-04-05, 06:52 PM
That's too much work!!
Tell him EVERYTHING there is to know about breeding boas!
Aren't forums like this here to help people learn and trade information?
You're no help!!
LOL 4....6 minutes or so.......

03-04-05, 07:11 PM
lol thx mykee

03-04-05, 08:33 PM
i just bought the boa constrictor manual at the last reptile show and it seems to be pretty informative to me.

03-06-05, 04:57 PM
so no info...lol? i dont really like books i just bought The Da Vinci Code though...really good book!

03-06-05, 04:57 PM
so no info...lol? i dont really like books i just bought The Da Vinci Code though...really good book!

03-06-05, 04:57 PM
so no info...lol? i dont really like books i just bought The Da Vinci Code though...really good book!

03-06-05, 05:00 PM

No one is going to sit here and type out the basics of boa breeding for you. They're not going to hold your hand and go to all that trouble when 3 seconds in a search engine will return countless caresheets with breeding information. They've recommended some books to you, but you can't expect them to do all of your work for you.


03-06-05, 05:02 PM
heather you are very right....i didn't really expect anyone too..i know the basic care but i was really looking for side info that i might not find in a care sheet...and like breeders alwyas say "the internet isn't always true"

03-07-05, 05:08 PM
Back to the books. A published author more often than not probably knows more than your average internet opinion (almost guarranteed!). Nuff Said, Mark

03-07-05, 06:43 PM

I can make this real easy for you.


Deciding the boas you want to raise up and breed. This all depends on many factors that must be thought out before purchasing and dreaming of the future offspring.........................please drop another $2.99 in the bucket to continue for another full sentence to chapter one or $59.99 per chapter :D


Actually your not the first to ask questions and let alone about this subject. People are willing to help when its more a direct question to particular facts to the subject your asking but the question is so broad that we would have to litterally qoute alot of books and videos for you that we all invested into and every responsible animal keeper should do the same. The forums will help and if done polite wise you might get more information than you thought was available. But asking a questions with so much information and so many factors would get us all typing for hours here. A simple search on these forums and some research in some good books will be a better start for you.

Check out these books and video.



03-07-05, 07:48 PM
thanks the photos help alot...in your opinion whichis the best (or top 3) and wherecan i find one...i work at Ruffin's pet center part time along with mcdonald's lol...and at ruffin's we dont have specific books on boas

03-08-05, 04:54 AM

The 4th book in 2nd row - The Boa Constrictor Manual - is a must.
2nd choice would be 3rd book top row - The Living Boas.
As a 3rd choice get the video - All About Boa Constrictors.

All the books I found either on Beanfarm or Amazon.com, the video was here.


Goodluck :D

03-08-05, 07:35 PM

03-09-05, 01:07 AM
Caresheets, books, and videos are a great place to start then you can ask questions about some of the things you are unsure of.

Boa breeding is not rocket science. Basically you put them together and they breed. They will grow follicles, ovulate, shed, and then have babies 100-130 or so days after shedding. This info most people agree on.

Ask about anything else and you will get different answers. For example if you ask about cooling, misting, using two males, not feeding vs feeding, proper breeding size, and temperatures you will get different info.

You have to find what works for you.

Good luck!