03-03-05, 01:46 PM
Did anyone happen to watch beyond invention, on the discovery channel this afternoon?
They were interviewing a company that makes software for computers. What this company has been working on is making programs such as simple fish at first that can think for themselves.
AI fish that are born as a program that has to learn for itself how to swim, hunt, find a mate, reproduce, and avoid predators. All on its own without any human interference.They are all placed in a tank Predators, prey, and bottom feeders.
They then moved on to a Mer-man that has the learn how to avoid getting eaten by a shark hunting him.
The stage they are at now is making AI stunt men. That can perform all the stunts that real stunt men will not do.
They have theyre own personality and the abitlity to act on theyre own, putting theyre own flare into what-ever they are preforming. SO pretty much able to think for themselves, and maybe even able to get upset, or mad.
What really got me was when asked if these artifical life forms could maybe start to create problemes in the future, for human beings. BEing so smart and maybe not liking they way we were controlling them.
They replied. "Well, yes i geusse that could be a possible out come in the future. But hopefully we will be prepared for such things."
Not a direct qoute I watched it half hour ago but that's pretty much what they were saying.
They might have the ability to turn on us in the future, I just hope we are ready.
If theyre is such possibilities why do they continue to do through on these projects. Oh yes what am i think MONEY.
Its like they dont even care about the future they arent going to be here.
They were interviewing a company that makes software for computers. What this company has been working on is making programs such as simple fish at first that can think for themselves.
AI fish that are born as a program that has to learn for itself how to swim, hunt, find a mate, reproduce, and avoid predators. All on its own without any human interference.They are all placed in a tank Predators, prey, and bottom feeders.
They then moved on to a Mer-man that has the learn how to avoid getting eaten by a shark hunting him.
The stage they are at now is making AI stunt men. That can perform all the stunts that real stunt men will not do.
They have theyre own personality and the abitlity to act on theyre own, putting theyre own flare into what-ever they are preforming. SO pretty much able to think for themselves, and maybe even able to get upset, or mad.
What really got me was when asked if these artifical life forms could maybe start to create problemes in the future, for human beings. BEing so smart and maybe not liking they way we were controlling them.
They replied. "Well, yes i geusse that could be a possible out come in the future. But hopefully we will be prepared for such things."
Not a direct qoute I watched it half hour ago but that's pretty much what they were saying.
They might have the ability to turn on us in the future, I just hope we are ready.
If theyre is such possibilities why do they continue to do through on these projects. Oh yes what am i think MONEY.
Its like they dont even care about the future they arent going to be here.