View Full Version : bought a beardie.. got a crestie..

03-02-05, 06:49 PM
i think he thinks hes a crestie.. :D




well heres the story.. i went down about 1/2 hour after lights out and i seen him in his water dish.. with water in it.. well i freaked.. :eek: ...i thought he was dead.. i picked him up and realised he was fine.. phew.. :rolleyes: so i emptied the dish and about 5 min later put him back in his cage.. i went back upstaris and when i came back down i found him sleeping like that... :confused:

im starting to think hes a little... well stupid.. :D.. o>

anyways.. is it normal for them to sleep in there waterdish???

03-02-05, 07:19 PM
i dunno about the waterdish, but i find they always sleep in seemingly stupid positions. Mine regularily sleep like the one in your photo.


03-02-05, 10:21 PM
i found mine standing up in his waterdish passed totally out. it was funny this only happend once

03-03-05, 10:15 PM
one of mine used to sleep on his back in a corner on occaision as a juvie. At first i was freaked too but yeah after checking on him he awoke fine and looked at me like "what are you doing??"

For whatever reason young Beardies love to sleep in ret@rded positions. :p

03-04-05, 10:55 AM
ya every day i find him in a really weired position... so im not to worried..