View Full Version : Request to Chinese gecko owners

03-02-05, 04:22 PM
Can anyone that has Chinese Cave geckos or Japanese geckos (all species/subspecie) post up their tank setups (pics if possible :) ) and a few details?? Just thought it would be cool, and it might help me with a few last ideas before I get my Chinese Cave geckos. :D

I'm not finished setting up my tank, but I am going to have a 36"x12"x15" aquarium with 2 humid hides, a large bonsai hide, a medium bonsai hide, hanging plants and suspended hides. I am using TREX forrest bedding as substrate 3" deep, and am going to have a fogger come on once in a while to aid with humidity along with misting. I'll be posting pics as soon as I get the last few pieces in the next week or two, but it will look like a cross between my Leopard gecko tanks and my Salamander tank.

Post up if you have any :D

03-02-05, 05:16 PM
Here's what I just finished today.

It a 30" in it's side... with sliding door.

They have a 12" hide wich doesn't take from the floor area since it's sunken and flat. That's where they spend 90% of their time.

The light was only in order to have a clear picture.

