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View Full Version : Help converting old furnature

11-16-02, 12:29 PM
I've decided for christmas that I want a custom-built enclose. Ive got this old thing sitting here taking up space, and it looks like it will be pretty easy to convert.


Total dimensions are 4'9" long, 13" high and 16" deep. The middle part which I think will convert well is 2'1" long with the same hight and depth dimensions


I want to paint the inside so it isn't so dark, add some light and heat it somehow. Any suggestions on good paint to use and how to heat it would be great. For the light I think I'm going to use 2ft flourescent lighting along the top/back corner.

It's going to be for a corn snake.

11-16-02, 01:22 PM
Old furniture usually makes for good enclosures because the materials have done most of their offgassing already. One thing to keep in mind is that most furniture these days are made from particle board, so if you make any cuts, make sure you seal the cut very well. I would only paint with a latex, or other non-oil based paint and then seal all with a water based acrylic (I use Minwax Polycrylic). That will waterproof the paint and seal in what little offgassing that remains. You might want to rough up the inside a bit with fine sandpaper before you paint .. depending on what the inside is made of it might be too slick to hold the paint well. (It looks like arborite .. without roughing the paint could peel after a while)

I would let it all dry for at least a week .. it's best to have all lights and heaters in and running when you are drying it.

Make sure you put a vent in somewhere too. :)

11-17-02, 07:03 PM
that would make a sweet bo enclosure.. :P

11-19-02, 01:44 AM
really jeff that seems kinda tight
but i don't keep snake's

11-19-02, 02:13 AM
I wanna take one of those old console TVs and convert it to an enclosure.

11-19-02, 02:38 PM
yea ive got one of those old TVs, its actually sitting beside this thing, but its not quite dead yet

11-20-02, 12:33 AM
first of all, you need to take that monopoly game out of retirement.. Monopoly is the greatest game ever!!! i say next show we should have a tournament.. Im the Car, Shane can be the thimble for obvious reasons..
but seriously, that should be pretty easy to convert, some sealing here and there and some paint, it will look good, keep us updated.!

Them and Us
11-29-02, 08:45 AM
Inke is definitely correct break out te monopoly. me and my friends used to play at 3 am on saturdays over the summer. we first did it because we were tied of walmart at three am but it became addicted. it can b a long game though. we had a two day match going once.

i've always wanted to convert some old furniture into an enclosure but all we have is a china closet that is a hundred years old and worth more than my life.