View Full Version : new beardie

03-01-05, 08:47 PM
i finally got my first beardie, i'v been keeping herps for like 10 years and never had them, seemed too weird to me, had to get one! i love him and all but he is quite hissy. he doesnt actually hiss but he likes to show off his teeth alot. hes about 4 inches snout to vent. he lets me pick him up fine but then after a few seconds he opens his mouth. when i put him back down he opens his mouth very wide and looks like he really wants to bite. i just got him from this lady, she gave me no info on his age or any thing. i'm not even sure if its a male, i just figured because he is being mean and he has some dark on his beard though its not dark all over. if any one could give me info about why hes doing this and if he'll calm down that would be cool. thanks for any advise too.

03-01-05, 08:59 PM
Congrats on getting your beardie they're fun to work with! The reason he is puffing up and gaping is because he's aggressive... Bearded dragons are generally friendly and will tolerate being handled.. but it is possible that he is feeling stressed. did you give him a bit of time to settle in before you started playing with him? if not you should leave him alone for a while and once hes settled in and calmer you can start handling him for short periods everyday and hopefully with time he will tolerate being held.


03-01-05, 09:36 PM
i just got mine the other day and he does the same thin.. what ever you do dont let him get the best of you.. if he hisses and squirms while holding dont put him down till he stops.. if he tries to bite.. let him.. teach him that that is getting him nowhere.. reward good behivior and disiplin bad.. useing your tone of voice.. like bad beardie and no in a disiplinary voice... or good beardie and stuff in like a loving mother voice...


and here...

One of the first things people naturally want to do with their new baby is to handle it. Ideally, the baby shouldn't be handled for a few days at least. This gives the new arrival plenty of time to accommodate to it's new surroundings and begin to feel secure. Try and give it as much time as possible to make the adjustment. Once you begin handling, start in short sessions and do not put the baby down until it quits squirming. Slowly increase the frequency of sessions over a period of days. Offer a favorite treat after each session. Reward good behavior!
Take care to support the full tummy during handling, they'll freak out otherwise.
Be sure to Quarantine any new acquisitions for 90 days to avoid the spread of disease..

taken directly from...


03-01-05, 09:41 PM
oh and putting your thumb lightly on there back i found helps ALOT.. itll stop them from squirming.. then just slowly raise your thumb when she stops.. if she starts squirming do it again

03-02-05, 02:08 AM
I just got mine and that site does help. i have two of the cutest babies but they are very skittish, running away and such. I handle them for 15 minutes at a time each 2-3 times a day. i've always been a snake person so lizards are so exciting to me. i found that when they run away is to pick them up any way and then when they are a bit calmer stroke the spots at the sides of the neck but very lightly. they both like it. also try handling 45 minutes before their bedtime. they are a bit sleepy then.