View Full Version : new beardie and cage progress ( LOTS OF PICS)

03-01-05, 07:06 PM
here are a few pics...

my new beardie ( nameless )


and some cage pics..






well im gettin there.. just some more spray foam and grount and sealer to go.. itll be donein no time...

i hope you like it...

03-01-05, 07:12 PM
Looking Good!!

03-02-05, 02:23 AM
got a plan. i am looking to build one of my own and yours looks soo fricken good

03-02-05, 03:32 AM
looks really good Peterm15...Your very cretive and I like how you have the light hood and switches...very nicely done

here are some pics of a very similar cage concept that I just completed using the same method as you are using....


03-02-05, 05:16 AM
Looking awesome and it isnt even finished yet. Good luck with the rest of the enclosure.
And the beardie looks wicked too
Greetz Daan

03-02-05, 06:01 PM

thats the site i used.. it also has 3 other links that have the same setup..

thanks for the complimants.. it really makes me feel better.. i thought it looked like garbage.. but just hearing others say it looks good makes me realise it may just turn out..

FrickFrack.. that looks amazing.. i hope it turns out 1/2 as good... and what do you mean by light hood... and how did you get the defination in colours and stuff.. what grout or mortar did you use.. thanks

03-05-05, 03:40 AM
when I first started working on the rockwall, I was just a sceptical as you are of how it will look in the end...But it turned out pretty good...Yours will be just as nice if not nicer, I am sure of it...

by light hood I meant the piece that is on top with the switches...it looks like it goes across the cage as a reflector hood for lighting...sorry bout that

for the colours all I did was take a can of black spray paint and very lightly and speratically (here and there) spray and let it fall onto the rock...basically just dusting the whole thing lightly and you can make it heavier in areas to add depth (shadow)
you can try different colours too...like green (moss) maybe


03-05-05, 12:25 PM
thanks alot.. ill give that a try..

04-01-05, 07:54 PM
wow i rerally like that idea im makiin cage i have one allready home made but just 2 use for now.... can tell me how u made that cuz it looks really cool!!!!! thanks and good job looks good mssg me back asap!!!