View Full Version : Posting pics

03-01-05, 10:20 AM
I would liek to post pics of my trip. How do i do that? How big should the file sizes be? I think they may be too big.

thanks in advance


03-01-05, 10:36 AM
I THINK with this forum you need to have them hosted some where. I usually resize them a bit (maybe 3”x3”). If you need a place to host them let me know. I can quickly resize them for u as well. My email is tjr32@cornell.edu.


03-01-05, 10:47 AM
u can do it two ways one is by putting the url in the .. . url tag there is free hosting here on this site for a small amount of pictures, other way is to attach them to your post only thing is u can only do one a post and file size must be smaller, ull need a image editing program to resize your pics

03-01-05, 05:33 PM
ok well my comp is way to old to support anytype of program like that. lol.
But intead i will say i got to see a rhino iguana pair, turantulas, some sort of ground boas, many species of geckoes and anole, also some that looked like emerald swifts.
All and all the Dominican seemed like a nice place in the tourist areas. Had great weather the whole time.



03-01-05, 06:01 PM
You could try using photobucket.com
free, auto reduces file if too large, and easy to post after that.
Wouldnt mind seeing the pics:D

03-08-05, 11:41 AM

03-08-05, 11:45 AM
ok double post

but did that work? I cannot see it
how bout this

03-08-05, 12:48 PM
Mmmmm no.

Upload your pictures onto photobucket.com... it will make the tags for you, the third url under the picture will have [img] tags.

Then just paste them in.

03-08-05, 02:08 PM
Ok I tried the photobucket. But it says one or more of my files has the wrong format. Even though they are all bmp.
So instead of all the messing around ill just give you guys a link.

THis one is to the pics from the Dominican

These are pics of my chameleons.

Sorry for the inconvenience ladies and gents. A good thing is the link will have better description of the pics.:D

thanks for looking


03-08-05, 07:04 PM
He is pretty blue!


03-09-05, 12:13 AM
Ya I love him. The pics do no justice to his colour.
He is actually starting to warm up to me also. I have been hand feeding him daily for about a month now. He still wont let me pic him up but i can rub his chin, but only for a while and he starts getting nervous.
Female is also back to showing her non-receptive colours.
How long is the panthers breeding season in the wild?
When does it start and finish?

thanx for looking
