View Full Version : Jet and his bad self!

03-01-05, 12:44 AM
I just wanted to post some new pictures of Jet, and let everyone know that he is out of the woods, and going to be fine. It took lots of work and patience to turn this guy around, but he was definitely worth it. I think you'll agree by the look of this guy. Enjoy!

By the way, that's "Jet", in the new Avatar pic, with a grey head. He's amazing with a light head.
-Angel :w


03-01-05, 01:33 AM
Freakin sweet man, thats jet black!

03-01-05, 03:00 AM
Agreed~! That is one sweet snake~! Looks like someone dipped him in crude oil...he is so shiny and black~!

03-01-05, 03:18 AM
H...O....LLLL....YYYYY......C.R.A.P! That is one SWEET lookin black! Glad to hear he will be ok! What was up with him before? Thank-you for sharing pics of him! Man.......it sucks you are in the US, you have all these AWESOME bloods! I'll have to shell out some coin next year and get a pair from you!


03-01-05, 10:10 AM
Un-fricken-believable. Hurry up and breed more of these and ship them up here, Angel! lol

03-01-05, 04:10 PM
Thats one BLLACKK SNAKE! Now that what I call a BLACK BLOOD, WOW!

03-01-05, 04:33 PM
Well for starters, this guy was purchased with another female, that I never got, as the previous owner claimed that she and this guy were pulled out of their box and placed into some purported burlap bag, at the airport, and the female supposedly drowned after being left on the tarmac, in the bag and in some drum that filled with water. How true it is? He might as well have told me that he's got a bridge to sell me too. At any rate, that was his story, and he sent me this guy and another Red Blood male, that I didn't want, and they both came in with a mite infestation. The black blood male pictured, also had a severe Stomatitis and a severe URI, that was treated for 2 months and I'm still treating with the following med: Baytril, as he did not respond to the Fortaz (Ceftazidime) and Amikacin, when first being treated for the aforementioned. (The stomatitis, was debrided everyday for nearly one month, using a 6inch wooden Q-tip, and small hemostats for removing any detritus and the infection site was flushed using a diluted Povidine-H2O dilution to make a weak tea color, and an topical antibiotic oinment was applied using a 6 inch Q-tip).

The infection was up into the maxillary (upper-jaw), on both left and right sides. At any rate, after a culture test, it was determined that he would respond to the Baytril. Now anyone whose ever had to use Baytril, knows, that this drug can be a little dangerous as there is always the likelihood, that you can scar and cause tissue damage if not used carefully at the injection sites; not to mention the nephrotoxicity of the drug to boot. Anyhow, with follow-up ringers solution chasers at the injection sites given SQ, and warm water baths and massages at the injection sites, given, this guy has turned around and is doing well with no scarring evident. Also, I didn't mention that he was also, put on Cipro, orally, for about 7 treatments, but I didn't see signs that he was getting better, as I did see the occasional bubbling from the mouth. Well, the long and the short of it is, that he's finally showing signs of improvement and is active and eating well again. I hope to breed this guy soon. I've got one more female that is gravid at the moment; we'll see what those look like when they are here.

Note: He was given warm water soaks after every treatment with the parenteral drugs: including the Amikacin and Baytril and inbetween treatments too, to keep him hydrated.

Thanks again guys and dolls!

03-01-05, 05:01 PM
Wow thats quite a story!

Im glad he is doing better for you! Fingers crossed your next black clutch goes well!


03-02-05, 05:53 PM
"drowned in a burlap bag" how does that happen? Anyways hope you the best of luck.

03-02-05, 06:16 PM
Well, I think the guy is full of you know what, but I couldn't argue with him, as he had my money, and didn't want to refund it either. Anyhow, I got the male, which is what I wanted anyway, but also, paid for the addition of a female black blood, not a red blood male. Well, we'll see what happens with the male. Hopefully, he'll produce some nice off-spring in the near future. I just paired the red blood male with my high yellow female. Maybe he'll be locked up with her by tomorrow morning or even tonight.

03-02-05, 10:48 PM
Oo awesome, well fingers crossed! We have a very red male paired up with a yellowish female......she used to be more orange.....hoping for some nice babies. Good luck!


03-04-05, 01:41 AM
We are also learning the hard way that if you do not pay with visa or masteracrd then you can not really get your money back unless the person gives it back to you. So unless I know the person i'm buying from I will never pay with anying but visa or mastercard from now on.

03-04-05, 01:43 AM
Also good luck with the balck eggs and gald to here that he is doing better because that would have sucked to lose such an awesome animal.

03-04-05, 02:14 AM
I know what you mean. I had actually intended on purchasing the buyer protection through PayPal's buyer protection plan, however, I don't think that the plan would've included or allotted for lose of snakes or the lack of receiving one for that matter in the transaction. History and my decision: the person that I bought him from, also sold me one that was related to it, last year at about the same time, December, and I didn't think that there would be a problem. But, I must say in my defense, that I did feel that this time, I did feel an uneasiness about the whole thing (as the guy, Brandon Lockett, was talking weird this time), and I even told some people about it prior to making the transaction, but I opted to go-ahead with the initial plan anyway. It cost me lots and is still costing me, as I am still treating this poor guy; but like I said, I don't intend on letting him slip from my grasp without a fight. He did have a bit of a relapse today though, and I had to put him back on Baytril, even though he did look and sounded for all intents and purposes for the last few days, like he was fine. The one good thing though, is that he ate for me a few days ago, and is at least showing signs of an appetite. Well, I'll keep everyone posted on his progress. Thanks for asking and if there are any changes I'll post here. By the way, I just got the culture test report in the mail today, and I just got it from the mail box, so I'll see what it is he was suffering from, more specifically.

Results of tracheal culture:
bacteria found: Acinetobacter spp. and Klebsiella spp.
-Angel ;)

03-04-05, 12:49 PM
Holy crap, that is one black, black blood I love it!

03-04-05, 02:14 PM
Hey DJN,
Yeah! I think you can see why it is worth my while to get this guy fixed up and healthy. He is really one of a kind and the blood community needs more like this guy and it would sure behoove us all, if this guy can father more like himself; don't you agree! Anyhoot, I'm doing all that I can do to make that a reality. Thanks for the kudos on this guy. Did you see any of the other ladies that he'll be paired up with in the future?
-Angel :w

03-05-05, 05:07 PM
No do you have any pics?

03-05-05, 11:00 PM
Here are some pictures of the two females that I am hoping to pair with Jet, sometime in the near future. The top girl is my presently gravid Chiquita, which means small girl, however, there is nothing small about this girl. And the bottom girl is Vicky. She laid a small clutch of 7 good eggs recently, of which only 4 survived. But as Greg Maxwell, once told me, 4 is 400% better than 0%. Right!
-Angel :w

03-07-05, 01:13 AM
Oo they look very nice! Thanks for sharing those pics!

That second female though looks a little large, and I think the reason why she had so few eggs may be because of her being...large. Check out this thread I made, might explain a little more why:

Click here (http://ssnakess.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=64532)


03-07-05, 12:35 PM
What are you talking about? Large as in, Fat? That is an ovulation you are seeing. This female, is actually a small female by comparison and actually, threw quite a nice clutch for her size. There were 10 total, with 2 duds (slugs). That is actually a pretty good size clutch for a female her size; not to mention that most black bloods that I've heard of laying egg's actually lay no more than 12 egg's and anything larger than that is out of the ordinary. Her total weight at the time prior to her becoming gravid was probably about 9-10 lbs, and her total length is about 3.5ft. So you see, she is actually not a big girl at all, but quite the contrary. But thanks anyway, for the attempt at calling my girl a fatso. I don't keep my girls fat, but just the contrary, I keep them on the extreme-end, muscular and lean. The animals only get fed one jumbo rat, every 21 days, and not more and not less (there are some animals that only get fed once a month). I don't believe in power feeding nor do I believe in over-feeding as I am a proponent of the old adage, that "Less is More".
-Angel :grab:

03-07-05, 11:56 PM
Whoa, took that the wrong way there!

But thanks anyway, for the attempt at calling my girl a fatso.

Right....... re-read this:

The top girl is my presently gravid Chiquita, which means small girl, however, there is nothing small about this girl. And the bottom girl is Vicky. She laid a small clutch of 7 good eggs recently, of which only 4 survived.

You said the top girl was gravid, but nothing about the one on the bottom, so why would I assume she was ovulating? Also it is fairly lucky to catch one ovulating.

Yes, I did make a mistake though, I was thinking about normal blood clutch sizes, as 7 eggs and a hatch-rate of 4 has been attributed to a fat snake(for red bloods), I did make a mistake there, but I didnt go trying to call your female fat.....you did not state she was ovulating so how was I supposed to know?


03-08-05, 01:14 AM
Don't take it the wrong way, I was not implying that you were making any assumptions. The truth is that I was in some facetious way, making light of the subject. True, I didn't point that out (Vicky ovulating), but you can see from the picture, if you've ever caught an ovulating blood, that the distention around the mid-section is either one of two things, she just had a big meal, or she is ovulating. I've been pretty fortunate to catch just about all of my girls when they are ovulating, so I am pretty familiar with the sudden abnormal appearance they take on from one day to the next. No offense meant Chris! still buds. I used the word Fatso, to point that out.

03-08-05, 02:52 AM
Hey no worries on this end either....it happens!

Yeah, well as you outlined, you've caught your bloods in full ovulation. I have yet to(well besides now) see a pic of a blood right at fullblown girth. And I didnt think it would be from a meal, because I couldnt see something that big, getting into a head that small(LOL), and also the whole body seemed to swell evenly unlike a food item.

ANYWAYS....lol. Those are some gourgeous snakes!


03-08-05, 11:15 AM
Hey C,
Well, I hope to get you in on the next clutch, so keep your fingers crossed. Thanks C, and again it's all good.

03-08-05, 07:41 PM
Well, I'll be looking at picking up some snakes in the later half of the year, so yeah, definetly keep me(us all) updated!

