View Full Version : Need to know

02-28-05, 09:04 PM
Do aquatic turtles carry any bacteria like substance on their shell, like ecoli and etc... or is that a myth?

02-28-05, 10:37 PM
Everything carries bacteria.

03-01-05, 08:22 AM
Yup, they sure can carry pathogenic bacteria. Salmonella is the most commonly discussed, but all reptiles can carry it...and snakers55 is absoluetly right - everything carries bacteria of some kind. It's uncommon for it to pose a problem though, unless small children or immune comprimised people are involved. Proper hand washing (and not kissing the turtles!) combined with good water quality maintenace should prevent most problems.

03-01-05, 04:06 PM
Thanks a lot kpugh! , hmmmmm...salami