View Full Version : 2 simple questions

02-28-05, 09:01 PM
hello and thanks for looking..

i got my beardie at the show the other day and put him in his tank when i got home.. let him be and such but because of the excitement i had to hold him today.. he had about 30 hrs to adjust... i have read a how to on handleing and tried it all and to my suprise i had success.. he seems to like being held.. a little freaked when i try to pick him up.. he runs back and forth alot so i just put my hand flat on the ground palm side up and get him to run on it.. he stops on my hand and i lightly put my thumb on his back.. just for security.. and when i went to put him down he squirmed a little so i didnt let him go.. he stopped and such.. im useing positive renforcment, cute talk and stuff ( a few sites said to do it so please dont laugh at me... lol)

but anyways my question is what kind of "treat" should i reward good behavior with.. im afraid that all the worms are to big considering that he is quite small.. ( about 6") so prob 6 weeks old..


does anyone know where the bearded growth chart is.. ive seen it before but cant find it now.. i just want a general timeline as to age vs size...

thanks for readin

02-28-05, 10:50 PM
Hi Peter

Congrats on the dragon purchase! Baby beardies are so much fun!

I would reward him with veggies and the occasional fruit treat and I'm sure with gently handling he will become a wonderfully tame little ( and eventually big) dragon.

I would agree with you that he is probably 6 weeks old right now at 6 inches in length. I find my dragons usually grow approx 1/2 inch per week. This is a good healthy growth rate for a young dragon. Little dragons need a lot of protein and are therefore voracious cricket eaters for the first 6 months to 1 year. Offer him salads and crickets daily and you shouldn't have any problems seeing him grow and thrive.

Good Luck!


02-28-05, 11:07 PM
excellent.. thank you.. and p.s. ill prob be getting one off you when mine is mature.. i seen yours at the show and there beautiful.. im actually looking at your card right now.. but i have one more question.. would 2 dragons (1.1) live comfortably in a enclosure thats 48Lx28Wx25H.. it has ALOT of baskling spots and it nearly finished.. it will be totally rock.. lots of ledges and stuff.. i have some pics in another post of it 1/4 done.. im nearly ready for the rock...


there it is.. i have all the lights in and 4 more ledges.. there will also be some drift wood and a coupple hides

02-28-05, 11:48 PM
Wow..............I'm impressed.............it's the beardie luxury penthouse..............48x28x25 is definitely sufficient for 1.1 beardies and will nicely do 1.2 if you decide to add another in the future!

It's nice to see so much care go into a beautiful dragon enclosure. You will have some happy dragons.

I look forward to chatting with you at a future show!


03-01-05, 08:05 AM
i reward my beardie with wax worms. they are the perfect size even though your little guy is very small. don't feed too many because they are very fatty and over use can eventually cause liver problems. i never use meal worms because the exoskeleton is very hard to digest and can cause inpaction. i tried them once and they didn't go through my guy very good. good luck and have lots of fun with your guy they are awesome.

03-01-05, 10:56 AM
thanks very much Sheila and i will be chattin with ya.. lol.....

so im gonna try some veggies and some wax worms tonight if i can get them...

so thanks everyone..

03-01-05, 12:42 PM
As suggested, if he has been fed and cared for properly, he is likely around the six week mark. That cage would be perfect for a pair of dragons, however I would wait until your dragon is bigger before you put him in there. It may be hard to monitor his feeding and whatnot in a larger cage. At most you could fit a 1.2 in there however you must keep in mind the possibility of one female dominating over another.

For the most part, bearded dragons are extremely tame animals so I doubt you will have any problems acclimating him to handling. As recommended, reward him with veggies and thin, small peices of fruit. As he gets larger, worms are a great treat.

03-01-05, 02:56 PM
thanks alot.. i will wait till he is larger to put him in... so thats no prob.. thanks alot