View Full Version : Butter Motley Pix....

11-15-02, 07:20 PM
Here are three pictures of my 3 butter motley pix.....
yes the photos aren't that good....but it's better than nothing right?

Hope you'll like these....they are really eating machinese.....eats everytime I put a pinky in with them.....

Female 1
<img src="http://www.printroom.com/_vti_bin/ViewImage.dll?userid=Candycanecorn&album_id=96028&image_id=88&courtesy=1">

Female 2
<img src="http://www.printroom.com/_vti_bin/ViewImage.dll?userid=Candycanecorn&album_id=96028&image_id=89&courtesy=1">

Male 1
<img src="http://www.printroom.com/_vti_bin/ViewImage.dll?userid=Candycanecorn&album_id=96028&image_id=90&courtesy=1">

My photo album has more of these.
Please go to http://www.pbase.com/candycanecorn to see some of my snakes.....not all...but some...lol...
Hope that you'll like these....

11-16-02, 01:19 AM
I love the madly glowing eyes, gives them a very fiendish look, lol!

They show nice yellows already for such little ones, keep posting pics as they shed, please!

11-16-02, 10:13 AM
Cool! I've never seen the white belly of a motley before.

11-18-02, 02:23 PM
Very nice... love those butters! I can hardly wait until my normal butters get here... and my lavs... and my blizzard.... :)


11-23-02, 12:37 PM
hey Dawn,

You already have the normal butter. I think that you won't need another butter or two. So I guess that I should just keep the two normal butters for you so that you will spend more time on the one that you have right now. Deal? Deal!

Oh yeah Jim is coming up on the 1st. If you want I can ship the snakes out to you on the 2nd. LOL....... but then they might want to stay at my place for a bit....travling all day is a bit of a stress for them you know....lol.....they might want to rest at my place for at least 10 years....so that they can settle down before coming to your place....
email me on what you think.

I heard that they are really nice.

11-24-02, 03:38 PM
Simon, *lol* but my butter is lonely, being my only yellow snake and all... she needs some company ;) (I'm also beginning to wonder about her heritage - I've seen both butters and creamsicles that look like her, and the person I got her from is something of an unknown... so I need butters to breed her with to make sure she was properly represented ;) )

Yay, I can hardly wait! :) I'll e-mail you tomorrrow probably and let you know what day works best - they may get to stay with you a few days after all ;) We'll see.

Thanks again for all your help!


11-24-02, 03:40 PM
:jawdrop: NICE ONES