View Full Version : Bye Bye..

02-28-05, 11:36 AM
My first beardie left home this weekend to goto a new home. He was one of the more impressive looking ones, lots of orange in his/her pattern that I know will only bolden with age.
This was my first ever clutch breeding dragons so its tough to see the little guys go. But, cant keep them all :P Snapped a few pics before he left.

Here's my hug goodbye:
One of his siblings musta grabbed his tail, he's got a nub, lol (picture doesnt do his justice at all..)

Thanks for viewing.

02-28-05, 08:21 PM
what a cute little guy, I remeber when mine was that small, now he's freeking huge, and still growing.

03-01-05, 02:35 PM
Thank's Again Rich!!! He's an awsome little guy..now if I can only get him to eat his veggies..No dessert for you!!!