02-27-05, 03:58 PM
Hello. A friend of my roomates is in the process of moving and since we are the only reptile people he knows, he asked if we would watch his 2 Mali's for him. I know NOTHING about these animals and I told him this but he doesn't know anyone else, so here they are.
First, they have proper lights from what I have been reading....and temps...
They are housed on play sand. They have the same diet as my roomates iguana (eating stuff like collards, dandelion, squashes, beans, etc) and they have supplements. No water in the tank and low humidity. The orange one is INTENSE orange and just beautiful. Both are "friendly" but the yellow one is REALLY shy, and runs when someone comes in the room and hides.
1. With the pics can you tell what species these are?
2. He told me both were males, do males not fight? Niether is agreesive towards the other.
3. The yellow one is having a problem. He noticed it getting fatter about two weeks ago. He said he thinks its constipated. I asked if it might be a gravid female but he said the person who sold them was sure both were males. When he took both out I personally immediatly thought gravid but since I know nothing about Mali's I figured it is constipation. It also moves its belly around almost like belly dancing sometimes...any ideas?
Flash pics
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No flash
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Here you can see the yellow one....I couldn't get better pics because it's so shy.
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You can clearly see how "fat" it is compared to the other one.
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Thanks for any advice/help
First, they have proper lights from what I have been reading....and temps...
They are housed on play sand. They have the same diet as my roomates iguana (eating stuff like collards, dandelion, squashes, beans, etc) and they have supplements. No water in the tank and low humidity. The orange one is INTENSE orange and just beautiful. Both are "friendly" but the yellow one is REALLY shy, and runs when someone comes in the room and hides.
1. With the pics can you tell what species these are?
2. He told me both were males, do males not fight? Niether is agreesive towards the other.
3. The yellow one is having a problem. He noticed it getting fatter about two weeks ago. He said he thinks its constipated. I asked if it might be a gravid female but he said the person who sold them was sure both were males. When he took both out I personally immediatly thought gravid but since I know nothing about Mali's I figured it is constipation. It also moves its belly around almost like belly dancing sometimes...any ideas?
Flash pics
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No flash
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Here you can see the yellow one....I couldn't get better pics because it's so shy.
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You can clearly see how "fat" it is compared to the other one.
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Thanks for any advice/help