View Full Version : Meet smurf the worlds smallest beardie

02-27-05, 03:13 PM
meet smurf... he may verry well be the worlds smallest beardie. as of march he will be one year old. all of his brothers and sisters turned out to be large and healthy. i got smurf and 7 of his siblings in a wholesale lot from a breeder named chris out of the kelowna, bc area. As his brothers grew at normal rates i noticed that smurf would not. He'd shed and eat but never grew. eventualy when his brothers and sisters were bigger i sold them off to local pet stores and friends, but keept smurf due to his special condition. He has the attitude of an adult but the size of a hatchling. i challenge anyone to find one smaller.... good luck

02-27-05, 03:19 PM
Thats really weird....dwarfed indeed...I had a cornsnake like that (bought from a petstore, not naming names) and it NEVER grew...had it for 2 years.

02-27-05, 03:23 PM
i never thought he'd make it past 8 months old but he's still healthy and happy

02-27-05, 03:43 PM
Good stuff man...I still find it weird..must be malnutrion or something..who knows

02-27-05, 03:57 PM
he eats well and gets all the vitamins and lighting needed so i think it's genetic

02-27-05, 07:49 PM
kool.. if you could fing another one that small and breed them it would be cool. if it would work.. youd have a whole new line..

02-27-05, 08:42 PM
ya i guess but it's too small to sex and i'm not sure how safe it would be to do so.

02-28-05, 07:51 AM
that is really cool, could bring money at a herp circus :) i hope he/she lives a long healthy life, i would definately keep it.

02-28-05, 07:57 AM
i doubt you could ever breed a female beardie that size without here dying. Good luck with the little guy

02-28-05, 11:14 AM
thanks, even if it was pos to breed it i don't think i would out of fear for it's health we just love the little guy or girl... and would never want anything to happen to it.

02-28-05, 10:45 PM
i have a bearded dragon thats tiny to!!! His name is heathcliff and hes about 4 years old now, and only 8 inches long, however hes not small from being a runt. hes so small because the owner that had him before me left him in a cage with other bearded dragons, a bigger male and bigger female, well you must know what happened. the other beardies wouldnt let him eat, and bit chunks off him, hes missing half his back left leg, more than half his tail and his front right hand(claw?).

02-28-05, 10:59 PM
how do i post pics??