View Full Version : Anery picture request.

dr greenlove
02-27-05, 04:26 AM
Hello people,

It has occured to me that while i have seen a fair number of pictures of young anery (not attempting to spell the whole word:) ) rainbows, i don't think i have seen a pic of an adult.

Anybody know of such a picture/s?


02-27-05, 02:54 PM
Not sure that I have, but id also be interested in seeing the pictures

Ive seen hypo's, and calico.

dr greenlove
03-07-05, 09:17 AM
Just in case anybody is interested.

It seems to be the case that anery brbs tend to end up looking like normal brbs as they mature.

If this is the case it would explain the lack of pictures.

If this is true then while it is an interesting phenomena, it is also a bit of a shame.

Ah well.:(