View Full Version : Breeding Mice

02-26-05, 07:55 PM

If I breed 1.1 mice can I keep the male with the female when the babies come out or will he eat them??
How long can I keep the babies in the same cage as the parents?


Peter Ludwig
02-27-05, 08:05 AM
I've never had problems with parents eating the young. And I keep the young in the bin with the parents until they are weaned.

02-27-05, 08:27 AM

I should be OK to leave the babies with the parents as long as the cage is big enough - if they are crowed you might have problems. Also, don't be surprised if the first litter gets beat up or neglected a bit. That being said, some females are chronic baby eaters...but it's usally just fine.

02-27-05, 11:22 AM
I just got them home and now they're walking upside down on the top of the cage :p .
If it gets too crowded i'll put the kids in a 10gal tank until they get big enough for my corn :D
How long after birth do they reach adulthood? (a meal for a 4 foot adult corn)

02-27-05, 11:39 AM
They can start breeding at about 4 weeks, but jumbo size at 6-8weeks, but it can varry with nutrition and the particular strain of mice. If you intend to grow them that big you will want a separate rearing container - cause mama will have a new set of babies by then...and you'll get really crowed really fast.

02-27-05, 02:43 PM
a 4ft adult corn? why not feed it rats?

02-27-05, 04:42 PM
Yeah good question, a 4 ft. corn can easily be taking fuzzy rats. Also rats are easier to breed, they get bigger quicker, they're more nutritous and they don't suck (mice suck).

02-27-05, 04:54 PM

and because they get too big... Everything is in my room (very small and already full).

It took me enough time to convince my mom to let me get 2 mice that I won't even bother asking for rats... She'll freak out

02-28-05, 02:43 AM
breeder rats can be kept in fairly small tubs, that take up minimal room (a 1.1 breeder pair can be kept in something slightly larger than a 10 g tank).

02-28-05, 08:55 AM
Rats also have considerably less odor than mice, in my experience...

If you are worried about space I would suggest the rats - then you just feed weaned rats instead of rearing mice to adult size in a separate enclosure...

About the differences in nutrition - I'm not personally conviced that there is enough difference between adult mice and weaned rats to make a significant difference...just my opinion.

02-28-05, 05:59 PM
Snow: I think you need to sit mommy down and inform her that since she has decided to allow you to own a snake as a pet, it is now her responsibility to make sure that said snake has the proper nutrition. Any responsible, level-headed adult would have a difficult time disagreeing with you.

02-28-05, 06:07 PM
I disagree that rats are "better". I feed my corns a combination of rats & mice, depending on availability. If you only have one snake, I agree that you will quickly end up with a surplus of rats. I have 8 corns & one breeding colony of rats and I have an overabundance of rats at all times. 1) Their litters are bigger, and 2) they are ready to be eaten much sooner. I like rats but I also like my mice - and they're more fun to watch. Sometimes I'll just sit and watch the mice for hours. Also, the mice are more fun to breed if you like playing with the food and seeing what different colors you can come up with. To get to the size you need for a 4' corn, it will take about six weeks - but in the meantime you can always feed 2-3 smaller items.

02-28-05, 06:25 PM
Originally posted by mykee
Snow: I think you need to sit mommy down and inform her that since she has decided to allow you to own a snake as a pet, it is now her responsibility to make sure that said snake has the proper nutrition. Any responsible, level-headed adult would have a difficult time disagreeing with you.

The thing is... I didn't ask her for a snake...
When she came home one day I told her that I had bought a snake (i've been asking for one for 3 years now...) and that I had made an aquarium with my grand-father (I made it to meet my exact measurments and all I have to pay is the 3/16" glass).
She wasn't very happy. Then when I came home with 1.1 mice she told me I had 1 month to get rid of everything :p. We'll see what happens when I bring the snake home on sunday.
If it's like with my geckos shes' not gonna do anything... Now when she comes in my room she talks to them. :confused:
I'll start with mice and this summer i'll see if I can sneek in 1.1 rats :D

Thanks for the advice guys!

03-02-05, 02:33 AM
so you where a little unprepared with your snake. not a good move. if you want to be a responsible pet owner you have to be a responsible PERSON! i have to many rescues in my home who had to be given up because they couldn't afford it, parents wouldn't let them*ahem*, or they just got tired of the animal. but to answer your question. i would take the mice back and get a pair of gerbils. they smell less, and they smaller than rats. also they are bigger than mice. i now my post sounds b*tchy but that really was a poor choice. i hope it works out.

03-02-05, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by marylyn101
so you where a little unprepared with your snake. not a good move. if you want to be a responsible pet owner you have to be a responsible PERSON! i have to many rescues in my home who had to be given up because they couldn't afford it, parents wouldn't let them*ahem*, or they just got tired of the animal. but to answer your question. i would take the mice back and get a pair of gerbils. they smell less, and they smaller than rats. also they are bigger than mice. i now my post sounds b*tchy but that really was a poor choice. i hope it works out.

I'm not unprepared at all! I've been reading about them for 3 years! I didn't tell my mom before I bought it but she will let me have 1.
Everything is already paid for and setup. As I said, i'm getting him friday.

03-02-05, 08:49 PM
weaned rats are bigger than adult mice! (atleast in my expierence or maybe my adult mice were small or maybe my weaned rats were big?)

You could always have seperate tubs for male and female, breed, once you get down to.....6 f/t mice/rats left, breed, 3 wks to deliver, and 3 wks to grow to size.