View Full Version : Whats in your Collection?

Manitoban Herps
02-26-05, 01:30 PM
I know there was a topic on here about whats in your collection 2-3 months ago, but herps are addicting and in 2-3 months you can get alot of new herps :) And its always fun hearing what herps are in each persons collection :D

Anyways, here's mine :D

1.1.0 Tokay Geckos (Gekko gecko)
1.3.0 Leopard Geckos (Eublepharis macularius) (1.0 patternless, 0.1 normal, 0.1 high yellow and 0.1 super hypo tangerine)
1.0.2 Skunk Geckos aka White lined Geckos (Gekko vittaus)
1.0.0 African Fat tail Gecko (Hemitheconyx caudicinctus)
1.0.0 Crested Gecko (Fire) (Rhacodactylus cilatus)
0.1.0 Crocodile Gecko (Tarentola mauritanica)

Assorted Lizards:
1.0.0 Veiled Chameleon (Chamaeleo calyptratus)
1.0.1 Chinese Water Dragons (Physignathus cocincinus)
0.1.0 Green Anole (Anolis carolinensis)
0.1.0 Inland Bearded Dragon (Pogona vitticeps)
1.0.0 Giant Green Iguana (Iguana iguana iguana)
0.1.0 Eastern Collard Lizard (Crotaphytus collaris)
0.0.1 Indoneisan Blue Tongue Skink (Tiliqua gigas gigas)

1.2.0 Corn Snakes (Elaphe guttata guttata)
0.1.0 Pueblan Milksnake (Lampropeltis triangulum cambelli)
3.1.0 Californian Kingsnakes (Lampropeltis getulus californiae)
0.1.0 Grey Banded Kingsnake (Lampropeltis mexicana alterna)

1.1.0 Ball Pythons (Python reguis)
1.1.0 Colombian Boa Constrictor (Boa constrictor imperator)
1.1.0 Amazon Tree Boas (Corallus hortulanus)
1.1.0 Jungle Carpet Pythons (Morelia spilota cheynei)

0.0.1 Red-Footed Tortoise (Geochelone carbonaria)
0.0.1 Grey Tiger Salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum)

02-26-05, 02:02 PM
1.1 Ball Pythons
0.1 Indonesian Tree Boa
1.0 Corn snake
0.1 Bearded Dragon
1.0 Veiled Chameleon
1.0.5 Crested Geckos
1.0 Leopard Gecko
0.1 Pac Man Frogs

See... people who aren't in the hobby are like WOW that's a lot of reptiles you have..... HA... if they saw some peoples collections they would be floored.... mine is very small compared to some...

02-26-05, 02:07 PM
right now, its pretty small, cuz im moving soon.

1.1 argentine BC
0.2 e. quatuorlineata sauromates
1.0 western hog

02-26-05, 02:18 PM
2.0 corn snakes
0.1 normal ball python
1.0 baby bci

2.2 beta fishies
0.1 australian shepherd
1.0 boyfriend

Asian Jon
02-26-05, 02:23 PM
1.2 corns
1.0 BP
1.0 BCI
0.0.3 Cresties
1.1 siblings
0.5 girlfriends (current breeding project)

02-26-05, 02:41 PM
LOL Jon! You're the only one I know that is actually working on a breeding project like that. Must be in your blood or something!

Asian Jon
02-26-05, 02:47 PM
It is in the blood of every kung fu warrior my friend.

:bugout: You've got a lot of Ball Pythons :D. It's grown since the last time I looked at your sig. I think.

02-26-05, 02:54 PM
ahaha ive got a small collection because im still young but im gettin more soon

1.1 ball pythons
1.0 ATB
0.0.1 Eastern Collard
0.1 Jungle Carpet
0.1 Lined Leaftail
0.0.1 rose Hair

02-26-05, 03:02 PM
No young Grasshoppa, you are delusional, you must resist the dark side. Same balls. New Leos though!

02-26-05, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by Asian Jon
It is in the blood of every kung fu warrior my friend.


:sun:LOL ...you are so funny!:sun:

02-26-05, 03:34 PM
Ive got
1.2 ball pythons
1.1 corn snakes
1.1 bci's
1.0 jcp
0.0.1 albino sonoron gopher

0.0.1 crested gecko (for sale at show :))
0.1 leopard gecko
1.0 savannah monitor
1.0 veiled cham

0.1 russian tortoise
0.0.1 bark scorpion
0.1 g.rosea

1.1 cats

02-26-05, 04:59 PM
Better hope all those GFs don't produce there Jon you'll be Kung Fuing diapers by the ***** loads literally, LOL I'd post all my snakes but that would take far too long Cheers Mark

02-26-05, 05:03 PM
Well, at the time my collection is also small. I am moving with in the next few months, once moving is complete my collection will grow.

2 Medium Sized Green Iguanas
1 Medium Sized Nile Monitor
2 Red Ear Pond Sliders

Other Animals:
Breeding Pair of Thai Butterfly Bettas
One Mail Plakat Betta
Two Additional Femals Preparing for Breeding
Two Apple Snails
Six Cats (including kittens)
Two Dogs

Im quite busy with this list as my monitor is growing rapidly, upgrading caging monthly. Same goes for the iguanas.

02-26-05, 05:05 PM
1.1 BP
1.0 Northern Pine
55g reef tank

02-26-05, 05:14 PM
My collections still pretty small, getting a room added on this summer which will be mine ( have to share with my brother right now) so will hopefully get a few new herps in the summer, as of right now I have one

sub adult ball python
2 adult cornsnakes
one sub adult Western hoggy
and a crestie as of tommorow( well it will be my brothers but I can still brag lol:p :))

02-26-05, 05:17 PM
rikki, could you post pics of the different bettas? i didnt know there were more than one type. what is the kind they usually sell in petstores?

02-26-05, 05:27 PM
A few that I know of are short-tails and silk-tails and I'm not sure what the normal ones are called.

02-26-05, 05:35 PM
Thunder, there are hundreds of different species. The common form in pet stores are the Veiltails. Most of the ones are of the species B. Splendens, though there are others. The ones below are Betta Splendens, though of different breeds. Ill post some of my bettas which I have taken pics of earlier.

My Plakat Male (Plakat: meaning shortfin Betta)

My Plakat Female:

Thai Butterfly Male:

I will try to get more pics up tommorow, my camera is not functioning so I am using my friends.

02-26-05, 05:39 PM
Still not too many herps, but I'm running out of room!

0.0.1 Crested Gecko
1.0 Panther Chameleon
0.0.1 Corn Snake
0.1 Eastern Box Turtle
1.0.1 Red footed Tortoise
0.0.1 Greek Tortoise

other pets include:

2.0 Adorable Cats
0.3 Cockatiels
1.0 Chinchilla
1 large Angelfish

Wish list: female panther chameleon!, Pair of BRB's :D
maybe a couple cresties ;)

02-26-05, 05:46 PM
Sice Im only a kid Ive got:

0.1.1 cornsnakes ( female candycane and ? ? ? normal cornsnake.
0.1 bearded dragon

3.0 dogs.

Manitoban Herps
02-26-05, 06:52 PM
So I guess only 19 people have herps on ssnakes.com, :p

02-26-05, 06:55 PM
Read my signature...

02-26-05, 06:56 PM
1.1 ball python
1.0 red tail
2.1 house cat
1.1 pit bull
2.2 children
1.0 husband
0.0.8 mice
1.0 rat
1.0 hamster

02-26-05, 07:10 PM
All right I'll play since I’m bored. Currently in the collection I have...

1.0 Ball python (possible burgundy)
1.1 Burmese python (albino male, het female)
1.0 IJ Carpet Python
1.0 Red Blood Python

0.1 Emerald tree boa
1.1 BCI
1.1 Rough scaled Sand boas

1.2 PTS (always looking for more, especially a high yellow male)

1.1 RES
0.1 Wood turtle

1.1.12 Madagascar Hissing roaches.
1.0 Betta


02-26-05, 07:26 PM
Plakat bettas, Sweeto!! There's a fantastic betta breeder in BC. www.bcbetta.com, Plakats, mustard gas, double tails. Lots of awesome fish!

Too many snakes to list. I've actually cut down a lot.

02-26-05, 07:36 PM
read sig. also have 100 death head roaches, have 2000-3000 lobster roaches comming this week hopefully


02-26-05, 07:43 PM
A bunch of Ball Pythons, a bunch of Irian Jaya Carpet Pythons, a bunch of South Florida Kings, a bunch of Cal Kings, a bunch of Corns, a bunch of Honduran Milks, a pair of Siniloan milks and a Crested Gecko! :D :p

02-26-05, 07:53 PM
Death Head Roaches!?!
Sounds dangerous to me.

02-26-05, 07:58 PM
Small snakes, medium snakes, large snakes and more snakes :D


02-26-05, 09:43 PM
0.0.1 Aru Green tree python
0.1 Biak Green tree python
0.0.1 Biak coming this week
0.0.1 IJ Carpet
0.1 Ball python

2.3.2 Crested gecko's
1.1 Satanic Leaf tails
1.1 Underwoodisaurus milli

0.1 Hairless rat
1.0 Labrador retriever

0.0.1 Clarkii Clown fish
0.0.1 Arrow crab

Hopefully getting another ball python tomorrow at the show!!!


02-26-05, 10:09 PM
My collection has grown so I guess I'll post,

1.2 Satanic LeafTails (Uroplatus Phantasticus)
1.1 Lined Leaftails (Uroplatus Lineatus)
0.0.2 Mossy Leaftails (Uroplatus Sikorae Sikorae)
3.3 Crested Geckos (Rhacodactylus Ciliatus)
1.0 Ball Python (Python Regius)
1.0 Irian Jaya (Morelia Spilota Variegata)
1.0 Rose Hair Tarantula


reptile boi
02-26-05, 10:49 PM

1.1 macklots pythons
0.1 columbian boa
2.2 corns


0.2 het adult female het leos
0.1 juvie het female leo


0.0.1 salmon birdeating spider
0.1 rose hair tarantula
a bunch of hissers
0.0.2 yellow fattail scorps
a bunch of convict chichilds


02-27-05, 12:49 AM
ok lets see, i have

1.0 black pine
1.0 great basin gopher
1.1 bulls
1.1 corns
1.1 cal kings
1.1 bci
0.1 ball python
1.0 kenyan sand boa
1.1 western hog nose
0.1 lecustic rat snake
1.2 bearded dragons
1.1 leopard geckos
1.1 tokay geckos
1.0.1 creasted geckos
1.0 banded gecko
1.0 anole
0.0.1 whites tree frog
0.2 dogs
1.1 kids
0.0.9 gold fish
0.2 rats

and im sure theres mor to come

02-27-05, 05:04 AM
well Kevin like i said before one is not enough and 100 is on the why lol I will be up there again soon I'm sitting on the 30 mark for now but it keep's growing getting my pair of dumerals from Mo today 2.4 hypo florida kings 3.8 bci's 1.1 dums ,1.4 hondos 1.1 mbk's.a few bps,0.1 mut ruthivini king my personal pet and afew others

02-27-05, 05:09 AM
Right now i have 3.5.3 california king snakes and another 0.1 to come soon. Not a lot but enough to keep the addiction stable for awhile. Every so often i get an itch that i have to scratch. But lately when i do its not one or two its 5 or 6!! lol

02-27-05, 06:42 AM
0.1 Corn snake
1.0 Ball python
1.1 Leopard geckos
1.1 Crested geckos
1.1 Wonder geckos
0.0.1 Wall gecko

I'm not doing too bad, I don't have much room, but I will be trying to fit in at least one more snake this year! :D

02-27-05, 07:03 PM
Here is our little collection :D

Cornsnakes & Ratsnakes & Kingsnakes:
1.0 Grey Ratsnake
1.1 Red-tails Green Ratsnakes
0.1 Texas Ratsnake
1.1 Leucistic Ratsnakes
1.0 Bullsnake
1.1 Mexian Black kingsnakes
1.1 Albino California kingsnakes
2.1 Pleublin Milksnakes
1.0 Blotched Kingsnake
1.0 Hognose snakes
1.2 Regular Cornsnakes
2.1 Albino Cornsnakes
0.1 Anery Cornsnakes
0.1 Het for vanishing stripe Cornsnake
1.3 African Housesnakes

1.2 Northern Pinesnakes
1.0 Patternless Pinesnke
1.1 Black Pinesnakes

1.1 Albino Burmese python
1.1 Jungle Carpets python
1.1 Macklotts python
1.0 Yellow Headed Reticulated python
0.1 Brown Water pythons
1.1 Spotted pythons
1.0 Ball pythons

1.2 Yellow Anacondas
0.1 Green Anaconda

0.1.2 Kenyan sand boas
1.0 Solomon Island Tree Boa
0.2 Russian sand boas
1.1 Het albino redtail boas
1.2 Circle back boas
1.2 Columbian rainbow boas
1.0.2 Amazon Tree boas

1.0 Diamondback Watersnake

0.0.1 Black Throat monitor
2.0 Savannah monitors
0.0.2 Nile monitor
0.0.1 Dumerils monitor
0.0.1 Water monitor
1.1 Paraguyan Red Tegus
0.1 Blue tongue Skink
0.1 Monkey Tailed Skink
1.1 Veild Cahmeleons

0.0.1 Spectacled Caiman
0.0.1 Cuviers Dwarf caiman
1.2 American Alligators

1.3 Leopard Geckos
1.1 Corcodile Geckos

0.0.1 Pixe frog
1.1 Whites tree frogs
0.0.1 Giant Marine Toad

0.1 "HUGE" florida softshell
1.0 Mud turlte
1.0 Red Eared Slider

1.1 Rose Hair tarantulas
0.1 Mexian Red Knee Tarantula
0.1 Tiger Rump Tarantula
0.1 Haitian Bird Eater Tarantula
1.3 Emperor scorpions
0.0.1 Vetimease centipede

2 Giant land snails
700 Hisshing Cockroaches

1.3 Dogs
2.2 Cats
1.1 Hedge Hogs
1.3 Guinea pigs
1.4 Rabbits
0.0.2 Buggies
1.0 Ferret
0.5 Button Quails

Scotty & Les

02-27-05, 07:14 PM
1.0 Iguana
1.1 rose hair tarantulas
1.0 Cobalt Blue tarantula
baby beardie

1.1 cockatiels
1.0 American Pit Bull Terrier
0.1 Shih Tzu
1.2.2 rats (one rex hair, one hooded, one agouti....plus to babies)

02-28-05, 07:20 PM
2.2 nigerian uromastyx
0.1 somali uromastyx
1.0 mali uromastyx
1.1 banded mali uromastyx
1.1 ornate uromastyx

03-01-05, 12:13 AM
heres mine..

3.3 Black bloods
1.1 Sarawak bloods
0.1 Red Blood
1.1 Snow boas
1.1Hypo het ghost boas
2.2 Normal BCI
1.1Anery Boas
0.1 albino boa
1.0 Albino het snow boa
1.1 DH Snow boa
1.0 Pastel Ball
0.3 Normal balls
1.1 het Ghost balls
1.0 Albino Rosy
0.1 Rosy boa
0.0.1 Western rattler
1.3 Leos
1.0 Beardie
1.0 Ferret
2.1 cats
1.0 dog
0.2 Suger Gliders
0.1 rabbit
6.9 Hairless rats
180+.250+.100+ feeder rats
0.1 wife
0.2 kids

and still growing...the herps that is...*L*

03-01-05, 12:27 AM
What u gonna do when ur 1.3 alligators get to be 10ft?

03-01-05, 01:38 AM
Thanks to Tim our collection has grown immensely:

17.26 Bearded Dragons
4.8 Leopard Geckos
2.2 Pictus Geckos
1.1 Mali Uromastyx
1.2 Veiled Chameleons
1.1 Southern Pine Snakes
0.1 Fancy Rats
1.1 Cats

And many more babes to hatch!

03-01-05, 06:11 AM

03-01-05, 11:02 PM
snakeylesnake - we are going to feed them and clean them only on a larger scale:D

Scotty & Les

03-01-05, 11:47 PM
heres mine
1.1 blue beauties
1.1 het albino boas
0.1 regular boa
0.0.1 pixie frog

and as soon as i am finished paying them off....
1.1 jungle carpet pythons
1.1 childreans pythons and
0.1 boa

03-02-05, 12:26 AM
I'll play along as well....

4.2.23 bci
1.1.2 Kenyans
1.1.3 Amazons

1 Lab Burm
1.2.3 Balls
1.2 Spotteds
.1 Blood
1.1 Blood x short tail

1.1 Leucistic texas rats
1.1.1 amel Corns
.1 ghost motley corn
.1 normal corn

0.2.1 leopard geckos
1.1.5 Tokays
1.0 ornate nile
0.1 Green iguana

1 dog, 2 cats, 2 kids, oh yeah and fancy goldfish, and scorpions, and a widow, and some big ugly cockroaches.......

Now that I think about it, it sounds like a little much for a 3 bedroom duplex!!!

03-02-05, 06:58 AM
ok...this will be changing VERY soon but here's what i got's...

0.1 anerythristic BCI
1.0 albino cali. king
1.0 western hoggie
0.0.1 albino creamsicle corn

0.0.1 blue tongued skink

0.0.1 common snapping turtle

1.1 cats
0.1 dog
? koi (back yard pond)
0.1 awesome Mom :)

03-11-05, 01:30 PM
Here is some of my collection,working on adding more everyday :) http://www.freewebs.com/boa_python/mycollection.htm