View Full Version : Animals you just can't part with ???

02-25-05, 08:25 AM
I guys,

I'd like you to tell me if any of you are keeping:

- non breeder animals
- your first reptile ever
- An old retired breeder
- An old favorite..

We've been in the hobby only 3 years now, but even if we are keeping many reptiles for breeding purposes, there are some individuals that we know we'll never part with even if at a point we'll stop using them in our breeding plans either because they'll become too "ordinary", too old, etc...

So show us your "keepers" and tell us why you'll never part with them and will let them grow old and retire in your house :) !


02-25-05, 08:30 AM
I'm trying to be really honest and realistic and not put 10 of our animals on that list.. I admit it's hard because at the moment there aren't that many animals I'd be able to part with.

So here's my top 3.

He's my first chameleon, I got him when he was a baby.. He's now 3. He's not in any breeding plans and will be with us 'till he dies.



He's our first ever snake. Got him as a baby also.
Allready in 2005 he's not really necessary in our cornsnake breeding plans but we'll allways keep him. I'll try to give him at least 1 female a year for the rest of is life :)
And even when he's too old to bred, we'll keep him.



My girlfriends first ever snake.
This snake seems to recognize us through the glass (lets no start a debate on that please ;) )
We'll probably breed her with males from friends over the years, but she as her spot alone in our house. And we'll surely keep her for ever.




02-25-05, 08:34 AM
What ever happens I will always keep my original BCI. The others wiould be hard to let go off too! ;)

02-25-05, 08:37 AM
I would never sell my second lizard I ever had. He's a male Platysaurus sp. I have had for 14-15 years.

02-25-05, 08:41 AM
Mine was my burm. Had her since she was 1 foot long. She was 12 feet now, but died on tuesday as a result of the dynomiting across the street from me

02-25-05, 08:57 AM
Sorry to hear of your loss steve.

I had two herps that I'd never part with, mine was my first snake (burm) who passed away a few months back from an organ infection. The other one is Fluffy my big male savannah monitor. I had him since he was about 5'' long 3 years ago.

I have others that I have no intention of selling, but those two are especially special to me. :)


02-25-05, 09:07 AM
Originally posted by Steve
Mine was my burm. Had her since she was 1 foot long. She was 12 feet now, but died on tuesday as a result of the dynomiting across the street from me

That sux Steve, I guess the explosions are really having an effect on them. Is there anywhere you can keep the others for the time being?

02-25-05, 09:51 AM
I am sorry too Steve.

I exchange my second snake (a ball python) a few months ago I am a little sad but the deal was good. I have kept my first reptile, a water dragon, until is dying age.

I think the only ones that can enter now in the category that Wyz said is my 14 years old rosy mygale and my only read ears slider. The last one is too attaching and is the only animal that I have that is really happy to see me and interacte with me.

02-25-05, 11:36 AM
I couldn't part with my two snakes right now, Mexican Black King and Spotted Python. My Spotted was my first snake ever and my Mexican Black King is about 16 or 17 years old now so I wouldn't want to give him to anyone else, he's old and such a sweetheart.


02-25-05, 12:17 PM
I don't want to get rid of any of my animals, other than hatchlings as I like the challenge of hatching out eggs (there is just nothing as neat as a baby hatching, and it always reminds me why I started with reptiles no matter how I'm feeling) and to help keep the cost of food manageable.

They're all pets, regardless of whether I plan to use them for breeding projects or not. If something were to happen and someone forced me to choose, I would never get rid of the first crested gecko I ever got, not because he was the first but because he has special needs and I love him to death.

I decided to choose just three species (cresties, panther chameleons and rainbows) that I found particularly awesome and to work with specifically, instead of getting something new just because I can. (Although it gets tempting :flick: )

Other than that, the voice of reason that makes me deeply consider aquiring new animals says that once I am unable to take care of each animal as if they were my only and favourite pet, I will not aquire any more :)

Manitoban Herps
02-25-05, 01:04 PM
I will never part with my indonesian blue tongue skink....he is totally awesome!

02-25-05, 03:13 PM
I will not part with Lili, my first ever leo, Nothing like the first reptile and knowing you raised her right and they are nice, big, and healthy!
Also, my bearded dragon :) She is very docile and sweet!

02-25-05, 03:18 PM
Well, I cant seem to part with any of them. I have had high bids on my nile, though cant sell him. I love my herps to much.

02-26-05, 11:05 PM
I will probably sell or give away most of my herps when I graduate from college. I want to move to Europe for a year. I think I'll work on convincing my mom to take care of my ball and tegu while I'm gone. They simply rock too hard.

My ball, Rompe Todo, is completely stress free wherever I take him, and has one of the best feeding responses I've ever seen in a ball. Not to mention when he had a bowel prolapse, I was the one who lubed up the q-tip and put it.

Nothing says bonding experience like re-inserting a friend's intenstines.

Asian Jon
02-27-05, 01:10 AM
I will never part with my first snake:

Or my BP, this guy just means too much to me :D.

02-27-05, 10:43 AM
I have a beadie that is over a year old that is no bigger then a hatchling. This "dwarf" beardie eats great and shed but never grows an inch. When i got him and his 7 other brothers and sisters i noticed that he wasn't growing like the others. All of his other brothers and sisters where growing like normal beardies should. He is the only one we keept from the group and we will never sell our little Smurf. for pics pm me and i'll email one to you.

02-27-05, 12:13 PM

02-27-05, 12:27 PM
I have many that I am sure I will have until there dying days, But if I were to pick I can grantee I will NEVER part with my male ball python He was my first snake and I have had him for over 8 years, As well my male RES who I have had since I was 5 the female RES which I had received with him passed away a few year ago, but he’s still very much alive.
