View Full Version : No substrate???

02-24-05, 04:15 PM
Hi all-

I met someone in the hobby locally who keeps a number of snakes in tupperware enclosures on NO substrate. Just bare tupperware. He insists the snakes are fine without paper towels and he just cleans them out from time to time. I asked him if he thought this made them uncomfortable and he said he used to keep them on newspaper but so many of them went under it anyways it seemed moot. Still seems a bit off to me...

Thought on the necessity of substrate? Anyone else going bare bones???


02-24-05, 04:25 PM
I have no idea why a bare rubbermaid would be different than paper towels to the snake. They don't know the differances between paper and plastic. :D :D

But, the thing is, EVERY cage cleaning would then be a full scrub out. There isn't any "spot cleaning" in a bare rubbermaid. It's less convienent although I don't see why it would affect the snakes at all.


02-24-05, 04:37 PM
I don`t think it effects the snakes at all either. In fact I think that even with paper towel - you would have to do a full clean because most snakes arent trained to not move the papertowel or crawl under it.

I had trouble with paper towel and snakes , now I use aspen for the snakes and papertowel for my geckos.

02-24-05, 09:19 PM
Cool just checking... just seems odd. And uncomfortable too. I keep thinking a snake kept in a warm rubbermaid with no substrate would easily "stick" a bit to the bottom, especially sitting in one place for so long. Not a hazard, but not particularly comfy. I just wanted to ask since most everything Ive read does seem to indicate to use SOME kind of substrate.

Thanks for replying :)


02-24-05, 10:49 PM
Ever consider why they were always going under it? i think that although it didn't offer an effective substrate, that the snake enjoyed it as a good hiding spot. my 2 cents
