View Full Version : Getting married... question...
02-22-05, 11:20 PM
So for wedding presents, who should I register with, Jeff Favelle or Henry Piorun?
Just joking, but I wonder if anyone really could do that...
*starts to consider actually doing it*
02-22-05, 11:24 PM
LMAO!!! :D
Hmmm.. not a bad idea though.... :p
02-22-05, 11:29 PM
i know! hehe
i posted as a joke and then thought it wouldn't be such a bad idea. my fiance has already said "pick out any snake and it's yours" for a wedding present (albino ball was my first choice, but but i'm still considering a dumeril. tough choice).
i could get a whole collection out of this, especially with 120 guests, lol.
02-22-05, 11:33 PM
Was thinking the same, and though Analisa is thinking house hold items I would love to register with Favelle, Marcus and Kwok.....if you guys are reading this get those Albinos, Pied and Spiders ready :D
02-22-05, 11:38 PM
oooh yeah, a pied sounds nice too. it definately helps to have very rich italian in-laws that live for weddings in that instance. lol.
02-22-05, 11:39 PM
What a great idea...
I think I'm gonna go purpose! : )
02-22-05, 11:58 PM
what a great idea !!! i'm getting married as well so maybe i should consider it as well! would love to get 10 snakes for wedding presents!!
02-23-05, 12:06 AM
hehehe, ok so i'll show this thread to my fiance, when he looks at me like i'm crazy (who's he to talk about being crazy though, he just bought his 4 hermit crabs a 75 gal tank, lol).
Manitoban Herps
02-23-05, 12:13 AM
Damn, i wish I was old enough to get maried now :p
02-23-05, 12:13 AM
why how old are you?
Manitoban Herps
02-23-05, 12:16 AM
14 :p
But wouldn't mind the snakes and the partner :D
02-23-05, 12:19 AM
hmm nice website, i would've thought you were much older. my younger brother is 17 and still doesn't know how to make toast...
02-23-05, 02:18 AM
OMG, you'd CLEAN me out! But then you'd have to invite me to the wedding too, and you won't have enough beeeer for that! LOL!
By the by, CONGRATS! Post pics after the BIG day! :)
02-23-05, 02:32 AM
hehe if you want to come here from BC you're more than welcome to attend (and drop off some animals while you're at it, lol). all the money i get is going into snakes. we've already got furniture, dishes, etc of our own. so i can't think of a better way to spend all that 'extra' money (truth be told, it's not extra, i'm spending at least that on food and booze at the reception, *sigh*)
weddings are EXPENSIVE! so i'm gonna spoil myself rotten after. and honeymoons are such a waste of money...
02-23-05, 03:44 AM
and honeymoons are such a waste of money...
Yeah, but you're guaranteed some action, that's for sure!
I say get the albino ball. What's a $400 boa compared to a $3.5K python??
Scales Zoo
02-23-05, 10:10 AM
Originally posted by Manitoban Herps
14 :p
But wouldn't mind the snakes and the partner :D
LOL! Partner! 14! LOL!
I remember those years like they were yesterday - and would have chosen a partner over any snake!
My wedding present did come from Henry, Sheila bought me a diamond python - and that was the only diamond exchanged in our unique wedding.
Her engagement present was Elvira, the albino burmese - those are 2 snakes we'll never part with.
02-23-05, 10:11 AM
HEHE...*horns poke out of head* I'd rule out the albino. Go for a Killer Bee man! Or...Or.....If she says any snake....Or..."The Holy Grail" of ball pythons!! Hell ya! Bring that baby to the border. The States already have had too much fun ;) Time to give Ralph a call, HEHEHE....
02-23-05, 03:29 PM
i live with my fiance already, i'm always guaranteed action, lol.
02-23-05, 03:38 PM
yeah albino balls are cool, same witth killer bees, but i think i am going to go with a het albino and a pair of dums (we talked about it lastnight) I already have a female ball close to breeding size(she's 3ft right now), a couple years waiting for a male to get big enough to breed will only do her good when it comes to breeding. the albino i think i'll add on to my wedding present list though. i also just found out i have a bridal shower registry to get made up really quickly too...
for those who don't have $3500 to spend at a wedding, there's always a tangerine honduran or another het albino male and a couple dums.
i'm starting to love this whole wedding thing, lol.
02-23-05, 03:43 PM
Does he lower the temp for a couple months first? Start dimming the lights early?
If so lemme know if it works, I will try it out at my house :)
Originally posted by emilsmee
i live with my fiance already, i'm always guaranteed action, lol.
02-23-05, 03:53 PM
hehe he keeps the house really warm (like 85-90 degrees) so i'll be very active. then it's all just a matter of persuasion after that, lol.
02-23-05, 05:36 PM
I like the idea, I'll remember that when I get married. :D
Heh what a great idea can't wait till im older,
Congrads, hope you have a good wedding:)
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