View Full Version : New cage..... or at least the start of it.

02-22-05, 09:20 PM
I started building a new cage tonight and it is a totally different design for me, not to mention a much higher difficulty level than some of the other "boxes" I have built, LOL!!!

This cages overall dimensions are 5'Lx2'Dx3'H and I am using a combination of 1/2" plywood and one piece of 5/8 melamine for extra strength on the floor along with it's moisture resistance. I am far from done with this one but it's a good start as I will be adding two framed & hanging glass doors as I felt a nearly five foot long piece of glass wood be way too heavy.


I will be drilling two three inch holes in the melamine floor for access to the "underground" rubbermaid hides which are positioned at each end. I will also be making a hinged door to provide access to the rubbermaids the will swing down.


I added some 1"x4"'s in the front and back to give extra strength and stop any sag of the 1/2" plywood roof. The piece on the front will also act as a stop for the doors as well as a place to latch them. I notched two pieces into the melamine so the 1"x4"'s sit flush with the edge of the cage.


I was a little worried about using the 1/2" plywood due to strength issues but it turned out pretty solid. Once I install the top and bottom dams that will each be about six inches as well as the back piece of pegboard I don't think I'll have any issues at all. Using the 1/2" has also made this cage about half the weight of what a melamine cage would have been.

It's definately a work in progress but so far I'm very happy with it!!!


02-22-05, 09:27 PM
looks good so far :) can't wait to see the completed one

02-22-05, 09:55 PM
Looking good bud! :D

02-22-05, 10:08 PM
Looks great, but I dont get what the rubbermaids are for. What are you going to house in it?

02-22-05, 10:50 PM
Looks great, but I dont get what the rubbermaids are for. What are you going to house in it?

I will be drilling holes in the melamine above the rubbermaids to create an "underground" hide at each end of the enclosure so I create a much larger amount of space for the snake and at the same time making two very secure hides at each end of the enclosure.

As far as what will be housed in it.......with any luck an Indigo will be in there in the near future. If that doesn't pan out I have a bullsnake that would enjoy it as well.

02-23-05, 12:02 AM
sweet cage so far. i love those underground hides!! make sure to post pics when its done and you get a snake in there. :D

Scales Zoo
02-23-05, 12:58 AM
I like the way you did the underground hides! Very clever idea. One could be warm (heat tape), one could be cool (it is on the floor), a 3rd could be humid....

I'm planning new enclosures for the blackheads and indigos - and I might borrow that idea!


"the other, but more handsome, Saskatchewan Ryan"


02-23-05, 08:38 AM
Look good Ryan, love the cat! Do we get to meet her in a few weeks?

02-23-05, 05:47 PM
Oh you'll be meeting her alright, she may attack you but that's just her showing you she likes you, LOL!!

02-23-05, 06:03 PM
Looks awesome. I cant wait to see the finished product!

02-23-05, 07:46 PM
Nice idea! Almost like Applegate's cages. Make sure you post pics of the finished product. :)

02-23-05, 08:03 PM
Thanks for the compliments everyone!!!

I should have the cage put together pretty soon but then I still have staining and polyurethane to do plus wiring for the heat and light. Luckily I'm in no hurry to have this thing completely done because this is going to be furniture quality(hopefully, lol) when I'm done and I want to do it right. I'll make sure to post some update pics as the construction continues.

02-23-05, 08:07 PM
Yeah I seen them Underground hides done 100 times they are good..

02-23-05, 08:11 PM
Man, that underground hide thing has me thinking of other possibilities with different species, thats an awesome idea! good luck with the finished product!

02-24-05, 11:40 PM
Just an update on the cage, I have the majority of the cage put together now just missing the doors and the backing which I'll put on after I wire in heat and light. Of course staining and clear coat will be coming too.




These show what the finished product will look like a little more, you can also see how the underground hides will work too.

02-26-05, 08:16 PM
looks really good, i just finished building a cage, if you see some 2 in 1 stain and clear dont buy it its garbage i dont know what i was thinking, it still managed to come out pretty goot but the stuff is like a candy paint (translucent) so it gets darker with each coat which means all coats have to bee even if its thicker in one area it will be darker, just thought id warn you incase you seen this stuff at a store

02-26-05, 08:20 PM
Thanks!! Actually I just saw this stuff yesterday.

I tend to stay away from anything that says two in one, I just don't trust it.

02-26-05, 08:42 PM
when staining it is easier to take a roller sleeve and hold it inyour hand and dip it in the stain and run it on the wood, just wear gloves, I have done this on doors and with 3 swipes from top to botom you are done.

Its alot quicker then a brush
