View Full Version : Ivory Kings...

Manitoban Herps
02-21-05, 11:13 PM
I might be getting a female adult of one of these and before I do I want to make sure if there cal ikibgs, are they? The look jut like high yellow kings but are more white then yellow.

02-21-05, 11:16 PM
Yeah, they're Cals...

Manitoban Herps
02-21-05, 11:30 PM
Alright, just making sure :)

02-22-05, 09:04 AM
Right on!!! Ivories are gorgeous kings!!

Manitoban Herps
02-22-05, 01:11 PM
yah I like em :)

02-22-05, 08:29 PM
A true Ivory IMHO will also have an almost all white belly, not black. Mark

02-22-05, 08:31 PM
My male breeder, Mark

<img src="http://members.shaw.ca/gonesnakee/IVORY.JPG"width="500">

Manitoban Herps
02-22-05, 08:46 PM
Did you sell any of the hatchings at the Calgary Shjow in Aufust/Septemeber?

02-23-05, 12:27 AM
Yep, I sold 7 from the clutch that they came from at the Calgary TARAS show, Mark

Manitoban Herps
02-23-05, 07:42 AM
Alright, maybe I am getting a snake that was hatched by you :D

02-23-05, 02:49 PM
Chances are as a guy from Winnipeg was the one who bought them all, if not it could be from Henry, Mark

Manitoban Herps
02-23-05, 03:10 PM
Actually they won't be, b/c there adult breeders for this year :p

02-23-05, 03:17 PM
Last year was my first year for the Ivorys (2 clutches) so not from me then. Maybe I can offer unrelatd stock then ; ) Mark