View Full Version : New Crabitat *pics*

02-19-05, 11:34 PM
I finally got all the stuff and the tank to set up my upgraded tank that I got for my birthday. I'm quite proud of how it turned out so I wanted to share.

Here's the old 10g setup.

And here's the new tank. It's a 27g. Sorry the pics aren't the best. I still want to get a solid background for the tank so I can see better and cut down on some glare.

Angled, full view:

Left Side:

Right Side:

Here's the second level:

Here's Skittle scaling the fibre wall:

The second level is made from one of those grippy/rubbery place mat jobbies and the clear thing going up to it is a plastic dish mat that I rolled up. It looks like a clear cholla. It works for now. I would still like to get some netting though. The plants and levels are held with suction cups. It was fairly cheap since I got most of the stuff at the dollar store (love it for the pets). I love it. So much better and soooo much BIGGER than the 10g.

Asian Jon
02-19-05, 11:39 PM
Looking good :thumbsup:

02-20-05, 07:27 PM
looks wicked! those lil guy are sweet eh? ive been considering getting a couple for s***s and giggles. :)

02-21-05, 12:10 PM
HEY, i used to catch those hermits by the hundreds over the summer growing up... some as big as your hand....ahhh those were the days, until your woken up by the screams of your little "curious" brother with one of the lil suckers holding on the the middle of his hand. and those guys SERIOUSLY dont let go...ahhh those were the days. lol poor kid/crab.

02-21-05, 12:29 PM
oh btw the tank looks great. lol

02-21-05, 12:56 PM
Nice job! Hermit crabs are too neat :p

02-21-05, 09:08 PM
Sweet cage! I used to keep them but they died of old age...