View Full Version : hogg lsland boa

11-12-02, 10:39 PM
ok im thinkin of buyin one of these beauties. but i cant find much good info on them. if anyone knows of any sites with great info on them, or if anyone have great info of there own plz do share . thx

11-12-02, 11:03 PM
All I can say they're one of the most beautifull boa species, I have one and she's beautifull, they share the same husbandry rules as any BCC just more pink and lighter pigmentation. Buy one and don't look back just make sure its from a good breeder, I can give you some names if you need it.

11-12-02, 11:05 PM
yea some names of breeders would b great, all ive seen so far is them on kingsnake (but i havnt really looked all to hard)

11-12-02, 11:23 PM
Well I don't know where you live but I know Mike Vince as them and Chris Marshell. Mikes E-mail adress is


and Chris


Let them know Nuno sent you
Thanks, if there's anything else let me know.

11-13-02, 06:27 AM
I have had a yearling male Hogg Island Boa since the beginning of October. I love it, the coloring is beautiful! They also go through color changes based on their mood and environment. Another nice thing about the Hogg's is that they are smaller than a regular BCI, topping out at a max of around 6' but typically smaller than that. Hogg's do have a reputation of being more "hissy" than other boas but IMHO that is more dependent on the snake and the amount of handling. Mine has hissed once and that was after eating a rat and I was trying to pull him from his feed box a little too soon.
I dont know where you are but there are few places in the us that have some nice ones..... http://www.reptilebasics.com has them frequently.

11-15-02, 04:46 PM
o nevermind i just found a alright site on them its not a bad site if ur into hogs http://members.cox.net/jmromley/jhi.htm