View Full Version : Yahoooooo!!!

11-12-02, 06:01 PM
Hi everyone!!!

I just talked with my dad about having a corn!!!!!!!!! He didnt promise me but if i behaved and looked for a job he would try to convince my mom to let me have a corn!!!!!! I'm so happy!! o> I think i will take a ghost corn! Anyone have pics on adults and/or baby ghost corns??

ty all


Kyle Walkinshaw
11-12-02, 08:51 PM
Here's a pic of my male (8 month old) Ghost Corn. He was actually 7 months in the pic http://gallery.pethobbyist.com/data/13626GhostCorn-med.jpg

Here is another of him finishing off a live fuzzy:)

Ghost Corns will sell for around 80-90$ breeder price, if you buy retail from a petstore your looking at close to 180$-200$ easily

If your looking for something cheaper you can get a nice okeetee in a petstore for under 100$ bucks

Good luck :)

11-13-02, 06:44 AM
Snowsnake, congrats on the permission..... do your research and get everything set up before buying the snake. Have your cage all setup and heat sources going so that everything is well established prior to putting your new friend into his new home.

Kyle..... I dont mean to bust your chops but.......
1. It is best for your snake to switch to prekilled or frozen/thawed prey if at all possible... a live mouse can kill your snake with bites and scratches and is more likely to carry parasites.
2. Feeding on a subsrate like that could allow your snake to accidentally ingest the mulch causing impaction. Which could kill your snake.

Kyle Walkinshaw
11-13-02, 10:40 AM
@ stormyva :

1. Don't talk to me like i'm dumb or don't know what i'm doing
2. That is a "fuzzy" mouse which I did mention and you should know that a fuzzy isn't able to bite a snake.
3. My ghost eats f/t hoppers, and is fed in an appropriate sized rubbermaid with no substrate.
4. The reason she is on mulch and moss in the picture is because I was filming a video and was there to make sure nothing was ingested and she ate only a fuzzy live because they cannot defend themselves, therefore there is no risk.

So before you go telling me or anyone else what they are doing wrong make sure you know all the details.

11-13-02, 01:44 PM
I apologize if I offended you in making a point about feeding live prey and feeding on a loose substrate as your picture clearly shows being done. Obviously the original post was being made by someone that is going to be a first time snake owner. As snake owners it is our responsibilty to educate potential owners in the correct way to care for their animals. That is what I was attempting to accomplish in my post.
If you were afraid of being made to sound dumb, which you are obviously by no means dumb, then you should have qualified that you do not encourage feeding on a bark substrate or feeding live. (Hopefully you tell the viewers of the video the same thing.)
It is important for all potential and new snake owners to understand the dangers of feeding live prey to their snakes and feeding on a loose substrate.

11-13-02, 01:55 PM
I saw nothing offensive in Stormy's post. Calm down.

11-13-02, 02:13 PM
NEWSFLASH......as a breeder of rodents..fuzzies CAN and if need be, WILL bite. I had a 1 day old mouse bite me.

11-13-02, 03:14 PM
1 day old mice have NO teeth...I have 2 litters of week-old rats right now, and they still haven't got teeth yet.
To the novice snake-keeper (SnowSnake) for whom this whole tiff has taken place (and might I add that you all must be assuming that this person has done no research, since most caresheets of any kind will usually mention the dangers of feeding live and/or on loose substrate):
#1 - do not feed your snake live mice of any kind unless it won't eat anything else, the preferred method is to buy prekilled frozen mice and thaw them in hot water
#2 - it's dangerous to feed your snake on loose bedding because the substrate can be ingested and can cause a blockage in your snake's digestive tract
#3 - I assume that you have done the appropriate research before buying your snake, but if you haven't I recommend doing a search on corn snakes on the web, you'll find TONS of useful information
P.S. Good choice on the ghost corn, they're one of my favourite morphs. Here's a pic of mine!

11-13-02, 04:01 PM
hi everyone,

I did TONS of research on the corn before even considering buying one, so i know exactly what i will be buying. Ty all for your messages, even if some were off topic :/. rattekonigin, your ghost is amazing!!! That is why i want a ghost, like urs!!
I really cant wait to get it!!! Thats all i think about.

ty again,


Kyle Walkinshaw
11-13-02, 04:18 PM

I apologize for over reacting at the whole thing and you make a good point in which I failed to mention that live prey shouldn't be used, which I didn't think to mention. I wasn't really considering that "snowsnake" is on his/her first snake and might have got the wrong idea. So for the record I do not promote feeding live and I have all my animals on f/t except for my baby kenyans that will only eat live pinkies. As for the video, that was just made for private veiwing and a few of my friends.


NEWSFLASH! Day olds DO NOT bite, fuzzys DO NOT bite, they have not even developed teeth and I have also bred rodents so I think you must be mistaken.

11-13-02, 04:23 PM
Hi Kyle Walkinshaw,

It's really nice of you to apologize like that! You are right, i am (or should i say; will be) a first time snake keeper :) .

later all!
