View Full Version : Red Eyes in Windsor?

02-18-05, 03:09 AM
Does anyone know where you can get some red eyes in or near Windsor Ontario?

I've emailed Green Earth Exotics in Tecumseh already. I was wondering if any stores right in Windsor will sell any, but I'm not sure about the laws here for frogs. Stupid Windsor. o>


02-18-05, 01:03 PM
we called green earth and they said they were getting some soon, and then called a few other stores in town and a few carried red eyes but they were like $80 :S. they said they used to be like $20 but then the laws were more strict and they were in higher demand or some ish like that. I could always order some from home (toronto) or maybe even london or something...hmm

02-18-05, 11:25 PM
A bunch of places around here are selling them for $80 CAD. But alot of American breeders sell them from 15-60$ish damn being in Canada :(

Can anyone help me out? Would there be any at the herp expo?