View Full Version : Found escaped Radix today!!!

11-12-02, 04:04 PM
After a 3 month absence, Lilith the plains garter snake just appeared in the middle of my living room. She looks a little bit thin but otherwise just fine. She and her cagemate Dante had escaped when my cat jumped on top of their tank and bumped off the weights and screen top.

Hooray for Lilith!! Now I'm off to give some guppies to her so she can regain her former form.

Big Mike
11-13-02, 09:56 AM
That's great...congrats

11-17-02, 12:59 AM
It's always great to find a lost snake. and sometimes you find them in the oddest places.

11-17-02, 07:56 AM
it sure is nice to recover an animal, especially after that length of time

11-17-02, 11:35 AM
I happy for you!

I hope she's able to handle captive life after her nice long holliday!;)

11-18-02, 02:32 AM
Heehee, she ate a f/t pinkie for the first time ever! All's well that ends well. I had been having a tough time getting her off worms only, and now she not only scarfs down her guppies but downed a pinkie almost as fast as I could blink.

Nothing like hunger to coax a picky eater into rounding out her menu.