View Full Version : Life on MARS - TODAY
Okay I dont know about all you, but this is REALLY exciting... I think this could lead to the greatest scientific find in all of history! Could finally prove life exists elsewhere other than earth.
(Personally I think its arrogant for humans NOT to think it does and we are somehow special)
WASHINGTON -- A pair of NASA scientists told a group of space officials at a private meeting here Sunday that they have found strong evidence that life may exist today on Mars, hidden away in caves and sustained by pockets of water.
The scientists, Carol Stoker and Larry Lemke of NASA’s Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley, told the group that they have submitted their findings to the journal Nature for publication in May, and their paper currently is being peer reviewed.
What Stoker and Lemke have found, according to several attendees of the private meeting, is not direct proof of life on Mars, but methane signatures and other signs of possible biological activity remarkably similar to those recently discovered in caves here on Earth.
02-16-05, 08:39 PM
Even before this I could never say there was not life or is life beyond Earth alone. I think it may be to premature to state that as even today we are still discovering so much on this rock, once more focus goes into space and new generations move in that direction we may find life right in our back yard that people did not think exist. On a personal note I believe we in time will see what the universe has beyond this rock.
Oh I totally agree with you Tony... Life is resiliant and we continually find life in places we would have never expected it to be right here on earth :)
02-16-05, 08:58 PM
Well, how many planets/solar systems do we even know of? Even if it is say, 1000 planets (I have no idea) and we KNOW one of them has life (ours). So that is 0.1% of all planets we know to exist having life. Let’s say that our odds were really good there and there is only life on one out of 100'000 planets, given how many stars there are, there must then be 1000's and 1000's of other planets with life.
I bet they don't all have human like figures with crap stuck to their foreheads though like the Trekkies would have us believe! :p
02-16-05, 09:06 PM
hmm so far all we know of is 9 planets..i don't know where you got 1000 from??..but once they continue moving beyond the 9'th planet they may find life on another plante...its possible to rfind another earth in a nother solar system!....Connor
02-16-05, 09:06 PM
02-16-05, 09:16 PM
ATBLOVER, you are way off there is more then 9 planets Iam not sure where you got you info.. Check out this website
02-16-05, 09:33 PM
ATBlover, I was only speculating and made up that number for argument's sake. :p I know “they” have discovered more than the 9 planets in our solar system and I'm pretty sure that has been known for YEARS. I just picked 1000 as a nice round number. :D Think about it though; how big do they think the universe is? And how much of that have they been able to explore? And they’ve found 150-odd planets… You do the math this time. ;)
02-16-05, 09:41 PM
Hey Tim its 145 to be exact;) I got what you said, but they say each star is a sun to its own solar system.. Look at all the stars so I wold belvie there is tons more to be discoverd.I belive I may be wrong. But am not 100% sure its just stuff I have read.
02-17-05, 12:38 AM
probably a hoax...jk
this is good news
02-17-05, 01:07 AM
It's almost a statistical impossibility that life doesn't exist on other plantets...
I mean think about it... many billion starts in our galaxy alone. Rule out 99% of those right off the bat cause they aren't the same type of star as Sol.
that leaves many tens of millions of stars. Rule out 99% of those cause they either don't have planets or the wrong type of planets.
That leaves hundreds of thousands.
rule out 99% of those just for the hell of it.
that leaves thousands of stars. And that's in ONE galaxy among who knows how many?
Math alone tells us that life is out there.
Yep thats exactly how I feel... but tell me it wont be an exciting moment when we actually discover that life :D
02-17-05, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by Shad0w
Yep thats exactly how I feel... but tell me it wont be an exciting moment when we actually discover that life :D
They are so far away that a person trying to get there would probably die of old age! They can be millions of light years away. (light years = distance light can travel in a year, speed of light = 299 792 458 m / s)
If you do the math 1 light year is about 9 454 254 955 488km or 9.5 trillion Km. Pretty far :P
P.S. I'd like to see what kind of intelligence they have and if they are as evolved or more than us.
02-17-05, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by SnowSnake
They are so far away that a person trying to get there would probably die of old age!
How about 'them' discovering 'us'?
We have no choice but to believe the universe has been around for eternity. If 'they' are one of the older civilizations, they could have developed better transportation than we can imagine, so Star Trek's warp speeds could easily be the norm for them. They've had long enough to perfect it if our own civilization is any indication how fast things can be invented.
I'm quite convinced there's life out there. Some is more primitive, but going by how young our Sun is, there are an awful lot of stars much older where life could be aeons more advanced.
Hey I really think the possibility of finding very primitive life (bacterial etc) on mars is very possible, and I think probable if we know where to look... once that happens... well.. how can anyone deny life existing elsewhere? :D
Originally posted by DragnDrop
How about 'them' discovering 'us'?
There is no proof that hasn't happened already!;)
02-17-05, 11:32 AM
and yet another way of looking at this, is what if our universe is a dying one? And we are the last civilization to develop? What if there has already been life EVERYWHERE and through various catastrophes it has all already been wiped out? What if we are the last ones?
Well if you guys think of it. Can space really go on for ever? I find it really hard to beleave.
My theory ( it may be silly but this is what i beleave could be possible)
First of all i think that when you look out into space, we are really looking into the past or future or be seeing a different demension of our time. SPace could also be the key to time travel.
I know sounds like something from the twilight zone. lol
I saw a really cool t-shirt about evolution. OF course it could be way off track but it could also make total sence.
It starts off with monkey and then cave men and then humans. After humans the eyes start getting bigger with our mouths getting smaller and our brains getting bigger. OF course a change like this would take millions of years but it ended up turning into an alien, so affectionatly called the greys.
Now if this is true then the sightings of ufo's and people getting abducted makes alot of sence. Think if we had the ability to travel back through time right now. WE would be going back and probbing dino's and probably abduct a cave man or two.
So if we do end up to evolve into some higher much more intelegent being with the ability to travel through time with ufo's.
DOnt you think the sceintists of the future would come back and abduct us to see how such a primitave species lived.
But hey thats just my wacked out theory on the whole thing. lol
I am kinda nuts i geusse.
Gary D.
02-17-05, 11:49 AM
Personally I garee that human life on earth evolved from the Golgafrinchams.
lol im sorry Golgafrinchams??
sneaky boa. Yea i am pretty sure that there are plenty of galaxies that are younger our own. There are thousands of galaxies out there, and eachone contains numerouse stars if I am correct. Our galaxie "the milky way" is huge. What if each galaxie represents a specific life form. With multiple dimensions.
lol the whole thing is way off the charts.
BUt we never know, thats the most creepy thing about it.
I dont think we will even explore our own solar system in this life time.
It is fun to imagine the possibilities though.
Anyone else have any other wacked out ideas. I know some of you do. WHo cares how crazy they are its all in good fun.
I certainly wont make fun of ya for it lol.
unless im alone on this one.............................
02-17-05, 02:07 PM
Isn't space supposed to be infinite? If it were wouldn't the possiblilities be infinite. Maybe there are a bunch of aliens chatting about the same thing on a forum galaxies away. Hell they may even look like us and have the same user names.
Theres my wacked out idea for the day...
I don't actually anything know anything about space for the record I was just repeating what I've heard
02-17-05, 02:44 PM
Scientists have evidense that everything in the universe was created by the 'Big Bang', so The universe hasn't been like this for ever.
Our sun has now lived half of it's life (different sizes of stars live longer or shorter than others). I wonder what will happen when our sun dies out?! Will we still be on earth? Will the humans have all died?
Well if history proves right ... we will have been long gone... all animals come and go... extinction is part of the natural process.. but thats sorta off topic :)
02-17-05, 03:22 PM
The Annunaki were here 1000's of years ago... Archaeologists and the Bible prove that.
check this one too... I'm reading the Earth Chronicles Book One right now... some interesting stuff.
coldblooded - with all respect, i dont see any scientific data that backs what you say
02-17-05, 03:59 PM
Thats cool... I don't think I can come up with any, right now... I'm not one for research...
I think it all has to do with the translation of the Bible from it's original Hebrew and also the translation of ancient Sumerian clay tablets (and others as well).
Adam (of Adam and Eve), apparently was a genetic creation of the Annunaki...
This, I believe, is why Bloodlines are so important to the Illuminati.
There is so much in my head, but it is so unorganized... I wish I could express it all in a logical way.
Too bad, I guess.
We're never going to know If anyone is "right", though.
02-17-05, 04:01 PM
I just read what I typed...
Does kinda sound like Bullcrap...
02-17-05, 04:03 PM
coldblooded: You can't go around saying stuff like that with nothing to support it. Anyone can make a web site and put their thoughts and opinions on it so thats no support.
P.S. Lets stay away from the religious stuff.
02-17-05, 04:04 PM
Oh.. and sometimes Science doesn't prove everything, even though Science is the TRUTH.
Can't prove God, but people still believe... gotta love Blind Faith.
02-17-05, 04:05 PM
Something doesn't have to be true for people to believe in it...
02-17-05, 04:13 PM
Snow snake- I'm not sure what you mean?
I don't go around saying this... It is written by other people over 25 years ago with over 30 years of research before that... all supported by the biggest "Story" of all and scientific findings discovered at the beginning of the 1900's...
I can't quote exactly because I do not remember, but because something is widely accepted by the scientific community and supported doesn't alway mean it is correct... sometime people do falsify findings so that their lifes work can be validated, even if it's flase.
So who knows if it is correct, I sure don't... I think I just like talking $hit. :)
02-17-05, 04:21 PM
Actually, i would rather spend my money researching on how to prevent 20% of live species to dissapear within the next 50 years...
02-17-05, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by coldblooded
Snow snake- I'm not sure what you mean?
I don't go around saying this... It is written by other people over 25 years ago with over 30 years of research before that... all supported by the biggest "Story" of all and scientific findings discovered at the beginning of the 1900's...
I can't quote exactly because I do not remember, but because something is widely accepted by the scientific community and supported doesn't alway mean it is correct... sometime people do falsify findings so that their lifes work can be validated, even if it's flase.
So who knows if it is correct, I sure don't... I think I just like talking $hit. :)
Ok, if you've read this somewhere you have to say where (ex: title of the book...) So others can go look it up and see for themselves.
02-17-05, 04:24 PM
Imagine all the people who could have 3 meals per day if the US, Russia, Canada and China had given 1/4 of the money used for space exploration to 3rd world countries.
02-17-05, 04:31 PM
Ok sorry for the discrepencies but I'm not speaking of Religon as we know it,,The New Testament... I'm speaking of the Old Testament, not as religon but as a historical "reference"...
Translations from the Books of Genisis and such, that have been validated by archaeological findings... of which at this time I have no examples to give...
so I guess since I cannot give any sources at this time please disregard all that I have said.
And of course there are no hard feelings. I'll let you know when I have something "real".
02-17-05, 04:44 PM
Of all the ideas i've seen posted here, Galad had the best theory (i've had that crossing my mind as well, before). Aliens being evolved humans from the future. the theory flaw is that time travelling is impossible, since time itself doesn't exist.
But again, what is sure? the big-bang itself gets proven wrong from what we know today on molecular data. The atom is the smallest particle of matter that exists and is not elastic. Therefore, an atom will always fill the space atom (no more, no less). So, how could all the matter of the universe be concentrated in a tiny subatomic particle? But there is evidence that the universe is still growing, that's a fact. We just don't know why.
Originally posted by SnowSnake
Imagine all the people who could have 3 meals per day if the US, Russia, Canada and China had given 1/4 of the money used for space exploration to 3rd world countries.
Maby use money from war, and military to help people, but I feel that space exploration is of great benifit to us. ;)
02-17-05, 04:59 PM
Until we can record data on aliens we can't say that they evolved from humans...
JonD: I can't stop watching your avatar! :P did you make it? hehe
02-17-05, 05:39 PM
What I referred to before (bible and archaeology) was Zecharia Sitchin's 12th Planet which is available at Chapters or used book stores presumably.
Taken with grains of salt.... Why cannot this be true?
I especially like this one:
Human Genetics - Sitchin's site::
Planetary Dynamics of the 12th Planet
The Annunaki and the 12th Planet:
Sumerian Info on Annunaki:
10th Planet Nibiru:
Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Annunaki and 12th Planet of Nibiru
What is the 12th Planet?:
Weather you believe it or not is up to you, right?
But, I guess anyone can make a website. :p
*edit for spelling*
02-17-05, 05:49 PM
Here's another just for fun:
My theory is that we are all part of some big experiment. Maybe we have been put on this planet to see how long it takes for us to burn it up... This planet is or was loaded with all the minerals/fuels/food for us to learn about and survive. Everything we need and more. Think about the short time we have been here compared to the other species---look how quickly we have evolved. 150 years ago the automobile hadn't even been invented---everyday we expand a little more in knowledge. I can't help but think it's all a big experiment. Or maybe a Far Side cartoon. lol
I LOVE this quote that belonged to someone from this forums signature:
"Sometimes I think the surest sign that life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us"
Anyone out there into quantum physics?
02-17-05, 06:46 PM
lol sry guys...i wasnt really thinking when i was saying that b/s...thanks for all the info...Connor
02-17-05, 06:48 PM
"Why does life on earth have but a single source, and not a multitude of chance sources? And why does all living matter on Earth contain too little of the chemical elements that abound on earth, and too much of those that are rare on our planet?
Was life, then, imported to earth from elsewhere?"
from Unknown source.
Good Question.
02-17-05, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by coldblooded
"Why does life on earth have but a single source, and not a multitude of chance sources? And why does all living matter on Earth contain too little of the chemical elements that abound on earth, and too much of those that are rare on our planet?
Was life, then, imported to earth from elsewhere?"
from Unknown source.
Good Question.
I saw a show on the discovery channel where some scientists had proof that the elements needed to make proteins came from meteorites and comets that bombarded earth billions of years ago. The energy created when those meteorites impacted with earth was so great that these elements were able to mutate and form proteins which over billions of years evolved into single cell organisms and .....
P.S. I like this discussion because everyone is being very mature. :thumbsup:
02-17-05, 07:22 PM
HAHA Hey Joey that support my friends and I's theory. We're just some kid's science experiment that's been shoved under the bed and forgottened about:)
02-17-05, 11:30 PM
elements do not make proteins, molecules that are of the amine group form proteins, multiple elements are required to make molecules
an element can not "morph" into a protein, that doesn't even make sense
What we really need for this discussion is quantum/theoretical physicists and cosmologists.
If I remember from the various university courses dealing in cosmology over the past few years, the Universe is approximately 14 billion years old (14,000,000,000), And it is estimated to contain ~10 to the exponent 14 stars (ie.100,000,000,000,000). *But PLEASE don't quote me on these numbers*
There is a mathematical equation that ESTIMATES the possibility of
- another hospitable planet existing
- life actually existing on that planet (remember it does not have to be carbon based like us)
- that the life-forms are intelligent
- that those life forms can actually contact us
there's a few other variables, but the point is that the more things you consider, the less likely it is to happen....
for example, yes it is almost definite that other hospitable planets exist, it is also likely (but less likely) that on those planets life exists, it is also likely (even less likely that the life is at a stage in its evolution that it is "intelligent"), yada yada yada....
In the end it makes complete sense that there is other life, But it is extremely unlikely that they exist in any evolved enough form right now to be able to contact us....
Again - go to your local university campus and talk to the Physics Department.....
And about time travel - do not forget Einstein - time is relative - not everyone experiences the same time as everyone else - This has been Proven beyond a doubt - they took two quantum clocks (ie extremely precise) - left one in one stationary location, and flew the other around the world - the times no longer match up, both clocks experienced their own time.
02-18-05, 12:46 AM
Originally posted by latazyo
elements do not make proteins, molecules that are of the amine group form proteins, multiple elements are required to make molecules
an element can not "morph" into a protein, that doesn't even make sense
Sorry bout that... I didn't know how to translate acid aminé from french to english so I used element :P
Some molecules from the amine group were found on a meteorite that hit earth in the 70's (not sure if it was 60's, 70's or 80's). So a scientist took the same kind of amine molecules, put them in a metal container and in a tube she launched a bullet towards the container at imense speeds. The shock waves created by that impact simulated a meteor hitting the earth. It's that energy that morphed the amine molecules into proteins.
02-18-05, 03:44 AM
Originally posted by latazyo
elements do not make proteins, molecules that are of the amine group form proteins, multiple elements are required to make molecules
an element can not "morph" into a protein, that doesn't even make sense
Umm, sorry but that's flat out wrong. Elements make pretty much everything.
a molecule is the smallest particle of a pure chemical substance that still retains its chemical composition and properties. A molecule consists of multiple atoms joined by shared pairs of electrons in a covalent bond. It may consist of atoms of the same chemical element, as with oxygen gas (O2), or of different elements, as with water vapor (H2O). Abstractly, a single atom may be considered a molecule, as it is when referred to collectively with molecules of multiple atoms, but in practice the use of the word molecule is usually confined to chemical compounds, of multiple atoms.
Amino acids aren't much more than complex hydrocarbon chains. For a more detailed look check out this link:
02-18-05, 08:23 AM
Beyond the simple point of elements becoming proteins, the TRUE question comes next: ok, so we have proteins, now what? How does a protein become a living organism? When and how really happens a transformation that turns a protein into something that lives?
But the hard question is: How come we never saw it happen again? In nature, all that can happen once, can obviously happen again if all the ingredients are there. But we never saw "dead carbon" turning "live carbon".
02-18-05, 09:39 AM
and what do amino acids form?
and what are amino acids?
complex hydrocarbon chains
and what are complex hydrocarbon chains?
and what are molecules?
as you and I both said, composed of 1 or more elements
we said the same thing, but I notice my mistake, however I would say it would not qualify as "flat out wrong" as there is one fundamental inaccuracy that doesn't compromise the information
you are right in saying I was wrong when I said multiple elements, I SHOULD have said multiple ATOMS
we're on the same page, just a early morning typo...I'm glad there are some people that know what they're talking about on here...a good checks and balances system we've got
02-18-05, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by latazyo
elements do not make proteins, molecules that are of the amine group form proteins, multiple elements are required to make molecules
an element can not "morph" into a protein, that doesn't even make sense
Protiens are made up of elements, at the most basic level everything is.
Multiple elements are not required to make a molecule. O2 is a molecule.
Proteins are made up of elements so it makes perfect sense given the language barrier that, admittedly, you and I were both unaware of at the time :)
I'm not trying to be a dink here, but I said you were flat out wrong for a reason. :)
02-18-05, 03:04 PM
and O2 is made of multiple Oxygen atoms...that was my correction of myself in the last post
oh well I'm not sweating it, this isn't an organic chemistry message board...and if it was we'd be the hugest geeks ever
02-18-05, 03:57 PM
You guys would be the geeks.... :)
I thinks I read somewhere that intelligent life elsewhere would be/is silica based... cant remember where I got it from though...
And just the way that carbon based life forms require Water, silica based life forms would most likely require hydrogen sulfide (which is extremely bad for us....)
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