View Full Version : Limbless Skinks

02-16-05, 05:50 PM
Has anyone got any experiences with Limbless Skinks?
The type im hopeful of getting are different to regular slow-worms, or glass lizards, I only have some small pictures from the seller

I have been informed that they need to live in deep soil and wood mix, and need no extra heating or lighting.

I have also been offered two cb babies from the trio, I have never seen anything like this before in the UK, I have searced the internet and found nothing, apart from they may be part of the Feylinidae family?

Any information on these lizards, or experiences from those who have kept them will be great and greatfully appreciated

Thanks in Advance.

02-18-05, 02:55 PM
Then I guess no one then, no matter I thought they were obscure and no one could offer information so thanks anyway, I will be getting a trio in the next week or so, and one cb baby actually bred in the uk, Ill post better pics when I get them :)

02-18-05, 03:05 PM
You'll probably have more luck if you search for 'legless' skinks in a search engine... here's come links I found:



02-18-05, 03:18 PM
Thanks I did do a search initially and pinned that they most likely are Feylinia, Feylinids/Limbless Skinks 5 species
Africa (not south) Legless lizards considered a separate family by some

Since the adults Im getting were originally from africa, I can see why they are considered a seperate family they look weird