View Full Version : 2005 babies already!!!!

Greg West
02-16-05, 12:53 PM
Well these guys are already sold to Jim at a Dragons Tale, but I thought I would post some pictures of the babies. If only they stayed this small, and didn't eat a fortune....

Here they are. They are so cute when they are this small. There are 26 so far and 3 more poking their head out and 8 more maybes that should hatch. This is Daisys largest and most successful clutch to date. Jim should have good luck with her in the future.



02-16-05, 02:59 PM
Wow, very nice, I love the patterns on them

03-25-05, 01:20 PM
they look almost exactly like mine. his name is Wally. =)

03-25-05, 01:48 PM

Congrats, looks like Jurassic the movie, sweet litter :D

03-25-05, 01:56 PM
Congrats Greg:)

04-04-05, 10:55 PM
If you guys like these pics, you should see them in person! They are sweet!

Greg West
04-05-05, 09:06 AM
So wheres some pics Jim? I saw them on the weekend, and there are some real stunners already. Can't wait to see them a little bit older getting their actual colour.
