02-15-05, 11:58 PM
I would like the announce the formation of an Atlantic Canadian Reptile Owners club.
This group is in its infancy, but it is growing with each day, the intention is to someday have a group of like minded herp lovers across Atlantic Canada who will meet, share ideas and help to nurture a good environment for herps and those of us who love them.
ACRO headquarters can be found at Salt Water Reptiles ( , if you are an Atlantic Canadian, why not drop by and say hi, lend your voice to the early formation of this group. If you aren't Atlantic Canadian still feel free to drop by and say howdy, herping in a interest that really knows no borders.
Cory Babstock
This group is in its infancy, but it is growing with each day, the intention is to someday have a group of like minded herp lovers across Atlantic Canada who will meet, share ideas and help to nurture a good environment for herps and those of us who love them.
ACRO headquarters can be found at Salt Water Reptiles ( , if you are an Atlantic Canadian, why not drop by and say hi, lend your voice to the early formation of this group. If you aren't Atlantic Canadian still feel free to drop by and say howdy, herping in a interest that really knows no borders.
Cory Babstock