View Full Version : Mites??!!

02-15-05, 09:26 AM
Help My BCI shed last night

and I found a few black mites

crawling around in her terrarium

this morning What should I do?

will they transfre to my family ?

did they come from her food

which is live mice?

Please Help



02-15-05, 04:39 PM
Hehe welcome to the world of snakes, I was exactly where you are now a couple months ago.

Do a search it will help alot, also here is a link.


GL and don't fret, its a good idea to try to figure out where they came from too, for example I think mine came from the addition of some live plants, so I turfed them while I was getting rid of the mites and I have not had a problem since.

02-15-05, 09:37 PM
thanks alot

there is alot of info at that link



02-16-05, 12:07 AM
Get some Nix, get some distilled water, get a spray bottle and start spraying EVERYTHING

Dont worry, they cannot go to your family, pets, or anything like that as they are strictly snake mites.

What I was told to do and it helped a ton, is to take the boa and put him in a rubbermaid that is pre sprayed. Just put him in there with paper towl substrate and thats it. Then totally empty the tank of absolutly everything, being carefull of you have other reptiles in the house. Then start spraying the tank, the cracks, the floors around the tank, behind, on the tank, EVERYWHERE! Then every day do that once as well as spraying the rubbermaid and a light mist onto the boa's body, not the face (which isnt a big deal if it goes on). After about a week you should be problem free. On the fourth day of doing this place a water dish in the rubbermaid, but be sure to take it out while spraying.

After a week put him back in the tank with paper towl substrate, a hide, and water..thats it. Then watch for any mites, if hes clear for a month id say, then your good :D

Good lcuk

02-17-05, 11:51 AM
how much NIX to distilled water

?? 00 / 00 ratio



02-27-05, 06:09 PM
Wat is NIX? and distilled water I think i have the same prob

02-27-05, 06:46 PM
Just go to petsmart or your reptile pet store....purchase Natural Chemistry'S Reptile Relief. I have found it works better than the prevent-a-mite. Be careful not to get it into your snakes eyes. Bath your critter first, let him slide through a damp paper towel to remove some of the mites... let him dry off, moisten another paper towel with the Reptile Relief, let him slide through it, do not rinse him off. BE CERTAIN you clean his housing THOUROUGHLY. I use a solution of 1:30 bleach/water. The eggs will hatch as they are extreamly hard to kill so repeat the procedure three days after the initial treatment. This has worked for me. The Reptile Relief also works on ticks. Either that or tell your vet and they will give you a syringe with solution that you will add to water. This works well as you only have to do the treatment once. Guess it depends on how much money you are willing to spend and how important your snake is to you. OH and by the way...if you don't know what you are doing, the NIX can kill your snake.

02-27-05, 06:56 PM
nix is a lice medication. you mix the full tube of nix to 4 litres of distilled water

like it was said above put it in a spray bottle and start spraying

if you cant spray the animals eyes its probably wont be very well as mites like to get in the eye area.

you can get nix @ any pharmacy

just my $0.02

03-13-05, 07:23 AM
Prevent-a-Mite is king


03-17-05, 08:38 PM
my boa had mites a while ago and i went to jacks aquarium and bought zoo med mite off