View Full Version : What are the odds of BP's at the show on the 27th?

02-14-05, 11:51 PM
Does anyone know if there will be young BP's for SURE on the 27th at the show?


02-15-05, 12:49 AM
Of course.......

That's like asking if there's gonna be Leo's or Beardie's.


02-15-05, 12:57 AM
any idea what the price ranges will be?

02-15-05, 01:02 AM
I've seen em from $60 to $125, depending on sex and size. Just go and find out for yourself. Even if you don't buy anything it will still be a great experience. I've gone to 3 of the last 4, and only spent money one of the times.


02-15-05, 01:09 AM
Sixty bucks?

That's awesome... Is that for like a "refurbished" or "previously used" snake?

*bad joke

02-15-05, 01:17 AM
Nah, that would be more liked imported WC or CH balls. I've only seen them that cheap once, males obviously, and they were on a table that had probably close to 50 BP hatchlings for sale.


P.S. When I see a $60 Ball, I turn around and walk away. If you've done any kind of serious research in to Balls at all, you would too.

02-15-05, 01:18 AM
Expect to spend somewhere around $100, give or take $20. Don't have your heart set on a girl either. THEY'RE MINE!!!! :D


02-15-05, 02:26 PM
I like Males better anyways...
Dont run the risk of going gravid and going off food.

Lot of wasted energy, being gravid without getting fertilized.

02-15-05, 02:40 PM
They cant get gravid unless a male is present :D

02-15-05, 02:58 PM
Yeah, Gravid means it has been bred............

Also, males are just as likely to go off of food.


02-15-05, 04:45 PM
But males are better.................really they are.......
but I will certainly take the girls off your hands, since males are better ;)

02-15-05, 09:29 PM
from people I've talked to males are more likely to get off feeding, is there a real difference?

02-17-05, 08:17 AM
Males don't need to be as big so therefore they don't need to eat as much. Now, this doesn't necessarily mean they will be more likely to go off feed. But, it's a pretty reasonable possibility.

Of course, it comes down more to the individual snake than anything. If you think there is any chance you will buy more ball pythons in the future, or may end up selling your ball python a few years down the road, get a female. An adult female will be VERY easy to sell, and for a pretty good price as well.

Otherwise, if you want a pet that you know you will keep for good (despite any life circumstances like school or work) and want it to stay smaller, get a male.

02-17-05, 08:33 AM
Thanks HHW

02-17-05, 04:43 PM
My best friend has the biggest ball python I've seen in person. Just under 3000 grams. It's a boy.
Also males are way more likely to go off food than females, and as mentioned above, a female can't be gravid without being brumated (cooled) and then mating with a male.