View Full Version : what monitor breed whould be the best to keep as a pet!!!

02-14-05, 02:53 PM
im looking for a monitor for a pet and would like to know which breed would make the best one!!!hit me back to what you think!!!

02-14-05, 02:55 PM
are u in quebic?

02-14-05, 02:59 PM
A savannah if you can keep up with the diet and space they require, or an ackie.

02-14-05, 03:28 PM
I say a Sav :)

02-14-05, 03:33 PM
I say a Sav :)

02-14-05, 03:44 PM
red ackies

02-14-05, 08:08 PM
Any ackie. Even Storr's. Flavi's are probably pretty hardy. Same with freckleds.

I would stay away from Sav's and other African or Indo monitors. 100% guaranteed that they won't be captive bred, and that they'll be imprinted with some sort of "history". Not a good thing.

02-14-05, 08:44 PM
A sav would be your best bet. If you cannot provide alot of room then ackies will be a better choice. Stay away from Arboreal monitors if you dislike misting and water changes they require more attention then some of the smaller terrestrial monitors. If you can provide 6' by 4' of ground space and a foot of dirt with some hot lights you can keep a Sav really happy. Good Luck!!

02-14-05, 11:02 PM
black throats have very good temperments if you can get them young. stay away from savs and niles, actually run from niles. ackies are great if you have the money though

02-14-05, 11:08 PM
got a good link for akies anyone?
i know nothing about them

02-14-05, 11:28 PM
I understand very well people not councelling a sav as a pet. Actually, i'm not sure i would have bought mine if i had known that about 100% of the savannah monitors on the market are WCs... Thats the only sad thing about them. As Black Throats, they are GREAT looking and very smart monitors to own but they require A LOT of room and they also eat as you would never suspect them to, which can be quite costly. Ackies are awesome small monitors but the only reason i would not councel them as a first monitor is that you have to deal with big quantities of criquets and other insects that you will have to feed it... The other disadvantage is that they are very expensive, though most of those on the market are CBs. They require less room but they are not as friendly ( in my opinion ) as savs or blackthroats.

02-19-05, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by Bartman
A savannah if you can keep up with the diet and space they require, or an ackie.

Well said :)

02-20-05, 12:29 PM
Before I would have said savs, but now I disagree. You setup savannahs and ackies roughly the same; give them burrowing substrate and alot of room to roam, as well as daily to every other day feeding. Now, take into consideration a LARGE ackie is 24 inches and that's nowhere near the bulk of a savannah. Savannahs are ALOT harder to keep properly and require substantially more effort and food espeacially for someone buying a first timer. Go with the little guys, like Jeff said even Storri are fun (and even smaller than ackies) they all act quite similar in regards to feeding and activity and since the little guys are easier to house you will be able to witness their activity alot more than you would a 3 foot savannah. Hope this helped, good luck with your decision!