View Full Version : insulating the sides of a tank

02-14-05, 02:14 PM
Our Savu is in a 20 gallon long tank that's kind of close to a window. We have a UTH, but the temp drops down to around 70 at the far edge of the tank. I'm thinking that simply putting up some sort of insulating material along 1 or 2 sides of the tank would help (as well as maybe make the snake feel more secure).

Any suggestions? Should I just start with an old towel or something? Or am I not even on the right track?


02-14-05, 03:12 PM
An old towel (or even a brand-spanking new one) wouldn't really do anything but cover the sides. It would be pretty useless as an insulator.

Using Styrofoam would be MUCH more effective. :)

But then again, you could always just move the tank to a more stable environment! ;) :D

02-14-05, 04:45 PM
you could always go to your hardware store and buy a sheet of that pink insulation board (prettymuch what Tim said) and just tape it to the tank. that will help.

02-16-05, 09:05 PM
Get the densest styrofoam you can afford, cut it exactly to size, the silicon it into place (if you dont mind making this permanent) along the three edges you don't view your snake. If you make a perfect seal with the tank rims and this is thick, high density styrofoam, it will insulate really really well.

02-16-05, 10:56 PM
I use 1" compressed insolation board. Its like a styrofoam, but its fiberglass. I just tape it to the sides on the outside.

02-17-05, 08:35 AM
That's even better.Slightly more expensive.

Making silicon seals will improve your heat retention considerably over tape.

02-20-05, 04:29 PM
But if you don't want permament, tape is better than a kick in the asp.