View Full Version : Members - ages, might be surprizing.
02-13-05, 09:46 PM
Noticed alot of happy birthday posts lately and I try and give my best wishes. So if I missed anyone happy belated birthday and hope you all had a great time and enjoyed your special day.
I know a few members here and there, some even by first name but I always get surprized on their ages. Example some times I am chatting with them about alot of good information and later find out they are super young and very well informaed on the animals in the discussion. And other times its the reverse. So I get surprized alot on ages when I (assume) they are older, my bad - very sorry :D
I am 33, yeap old. At least I feel older than 33 if people think that is young :D
The question here is what are your ages (everyone)?
All members that wish to reply that be great.
Thank you.
02-13-05, 09:50 PM
02-13-05, 09:51 PM
22... and 16 months...
Tim and Julie B
02-13-05, 09:51 PM
Tim and I are both 28:)
Manitoban Herps
02-13-05, 09:52 PM
Turned 14 in Sept.
Originally posted by RMBolton
22... and 16 months... lol:D
02-13-05, 09:55 PM
02-13-05, 09:56 PM
just turned 27 in Jan......
02-13-05, 10:00 PM
02-13-05, 10:02 PM
29 :( :( but at least i still act like im 18
02-13-05, 10:02 PM
Asian Jon
02-13-05, 10:05 PM
02-13-05, 10:06 PM
02-13-05, 10:08 PM
02-13-05, 10:12 PM
I'm 22 1/2, and Jess will be 25 in a couple of months.
02-13-05, 10:16 PM
I'm 39 and holding will be 40 in dec
02-13-05, 10:17 PM
I am 24....but still in denial about the whole thing!
02-13-05, 10:20 PM
Young, supple and barely legal :D...
02-13-05, 10:21 PM
LOL..........what no age, hmmmmmmm :D
02-13-05, 10:23 PM
I am 17 and a half :D The best years!
02-13-05, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by HeatherRose
Young, supple and barely legal :D...
Ya' tease
Where is my cane??????
02-13-05, 10:24 PM
33 here, almost 34 :(
Originally posted by HeatherRose
Young, supple and barely legal :D...
:eek: :) thats what i like to hear.:D
02-13-05, 10:33 PM
24... for a few more months, then it's the old "quarter of a century" for me :p
02-13-05, 10:36 PM
21.........22 in May
02-13-05, 10:40 PM
19 almost 20
Originally posted by Clownfishie
24... for a few more months, then it's the old "quarter of a century" for me :p
holy crap!! never thought about it that way before...:(
02-13-05, 10:42 PM
27 :)
02-13-05, 10:43 PM
turned 22 in jan.
02-13-05, 10:43 PM
27 1/2 but my body feels way older than that.
twenty-nine for another three months!;)
02-13-05, 10:47 PM
Originally posted by REH
Where is my cane??????
What? Only 52 and wanting a cane? I didn't need one when I was your age!
(Yup, I'm older, not necessarily wiser though).
02-13-05, 10:48 PM
23 ...until July.
I will always be 15, I will never grow up! :P
02-13-05, 10:48 PM
30, will be 31 in June
Heather: LOL.
Manitoban Herps
02-13-05, 10:50 PM
jeez you guys are old, tell me more about the dinosaurs you saw back then ;)
Should make this a poll so we can see results.
02-13-05, 10:51 PM
Bastardooooooooooooo, LOL :D
Was thinking that but the option was 10 slots I think.
02-13-05, 10:52 PM
jeez you guys are old, tell me more about the dinosaurs you saw back then
Does my math teacher count?? Swear to God, those liverspots did kinda look like scales...
24......25 in April. Yep that 1/4 of a century mark.
02-13-05, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by Manitoban Herps
jeez you guys are old, tell me more about the dinosaurs you saw back then ;)
Yeah I wanna know too! Lol, all in good thoughts.
I am
14........for...another month and a day! Lol.
Heather: Lmao.
"quarter of a century"....I like that lol.
And an early happy birthday to all!
02-13-05, 11:00 PM
Originally posted by Manitoban Herps
jeez you guys are old, tell me more about the dinosaurs you saw back then ;)
Dinosaurs? Land creatures??? What makes you think "Land" had even been invented when some of us were born? There's a really good reason I swim like a fish.
02-13-05, 11:02 PM
27 going on 35 at least i feel like i am
Tim and Julie B
02-13-05, 11:02 PM
Nothing wrong with that ¼century mark. Fortunately I still get id'd for lotto tickets and liquor. It's great:) Hey orko, where in bc are you?
02-13-05, 11:04 PM
20 goin on 21 in a couple months.
Im sticking to 25 for another few years... been here for a few allready and I like it so Im staying here....
02-13-05, 11:14 PM
Lol! DragnDrop!
Julie: Thats great! Lol.
02-13-05, 11:21 PM
I Just turned 22 in Jan... But I still look 18.. LOL And like julie said.. I still get ID every where I go..
Ryan and Katie
02-13-05, 11:32 PM
Ryan - 28
Katie - 24 in two weeks
02-13-05, 11:40 PM
21 right now, 22 this coming december
02-13-05, 11:47 PM
02-14-05, 12:13 AM
Senator Gracken
02-14-05, 01:03 AM
8133 days and counting
this is how im going to take over the world, make everyone do math till there head hurts............ excellent smithers....
8133 days and counting
now is that including leap years or not?? lol
02-14-05, 01:39 AM
Im 22.
02-14-05, 01:45 AM
LOL!!! You know you're starting to get old when you have to think about it for a while, then you're still not sure. :monkey:
I'll be 27 in April...I think...Or am I 27 now?...I's one or the other! :confused:
02-14-05, 01:55 AM
a very old and worn out 17
02-14-05, 02:35 AM
just 20
well times two and plus four
02-14-05, 02:44 AM
LOL! that's the funniest signature I've seen yet!
02-14-05, 04:27 AM
28 here, and feel every minute of it.. :)
02-14-05, 07:25 AM
25 for another 2 months.
02-14-05, 07:31 AM
27, 28 in May.
But, with 2 daughters ( 8yrs and already acting like a teen, 4yrs old and being taught by her older sis), and the fear of teenage yrs, I feel ancient.
CB Shwa
02-14-05, 07:51 AM
22 but I look 21 and a 1/2
Peter Ludwig
02-14-05, 07:54 AM
57years 6months EVERYTHING STILL WORKS GOOD__YEA!!!!!!
02-14-05, 08:13 AM
24 next wednesday. Exactly one month younger than my bf.
02-14-05, 08:26 AM
02-14-05, 08:27 AM
I am 24................ and have been for the past 7 yrs :P
I tell ya it is getting harder and harder to pretend your birthday doesn't exist every year ;)
02-14-05, 09:08 AM
20, 21 in September
02-14-05, 09:11 AM
Tomorrow I'll be 17.25. Right now I'm 17.2465753...
02-14-05, 09:19 AM
Last time I saw the paperwork I think it read early 50's, Now what was the question?
Double J
02-14-05, 09:25 AM
I'm 23
... and I am already getting a few greys :eek:
02-14-05, 09:42 AM
29....30 in May.
:skull: Jenn:skull:
I'm 25 today.. as of 1 minute ago (10:22am)
02-14-05, 09:50 AM
One more month at 49 - then hit the half century mark!!
mary v.
I am 21
old people? it doesnt seem like there are many people on here that are over 30 years of age. Or the ones that are just arent admitting it lol.
BUt one question. Where the heck do you all get the money for some of the huge collections you have?
You cannot tell me a 17 year old that goes to school and works enough to pay for enclosures and electrical bills. let alone the prices of some of these reptiles. lol
I wish I had parents as willing to help out as you guys. lol
You have no idea how lucky you are
I couldnt even keep a reptile untill I moved out on my own, and thats with paying for everything myself. lol
02-14-05, 10:20 AM
21 at the end of december. Everyone is pretty much the same age lol ^-^
02-14-05, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by galad
You cannot tell me a 17 year old that goes to school and works enough to pay for enclosures and electrical bills. let alone the prices of some of these reptiles.
I work and pay for everything that is directly attributable to my 'hobby' (animals, feeders, enclosures, heating supplies, vets and so on). Electricity is free though, and so are my meals and lodging, so all of my income is disposable. :D
yea thats cool. Helps alot if you dont have to pay rent and such hey, lol.
Lucky bugger.
how big is your collection? and sorry i didnt catch your age
02-14-05, 11:10 AM
Yah, the free rent's a great thing. Next year or the year after I'll have to pay my own way though, plus university. I anticipate some difficulty but I'm hoping that by then my collection will be at least close to self sustaining. But I may have to trim down the numbers a little. Right now I have 32 snakes. I'm seventeen.
02-14-05, 11:23 AM
Senator Gracken
02-14-05, 11:32 AM
damn forgot about leap years but so lets add a few more onto that... i think my ability to take over the world has just been comprimised. :p and for those too lazy to do the math im 22 - 23 on may 28
02-14-05, 11:34 AM
I am 33, but I got into this hobby late, 4 years and loving it. And yes I am independant, gotta pay for everything :D
02-14-05, 11:38 AM
Originally posted by Sunrunner
I am 24................ and have been for the past 7 yrs :P
I tell ya it is getting harder and harder to pretend your birthday doesn't exist every year ;)
You still look 18. :D
02-14-05, 01:15 PM
Happy Birthday Urd and ReneeB! Hope you both have an amazing day.
02-14-05, 01:22 PM
I'm 30, with 31 just a month and a bit away:( Won't complain, I still get carded at the beer store:)
02-14-05, 01:34 PM
28 in December of 2005, apparently I look like I'm 20 and feel like I'm 100... my back hurts :(
I'll be 38!
I think I look younger cuz I'm short and petite. I tried to buy a Marilyn Manson cd for my cousin and was carded for it!! The sales person looked embarressed when she realized how old I am.
Time goes ~real~ fast so try to hold on to it and soak up as much as you can.
My Grandmother always tells me that she's a 20 year old woman trapped in a 74 year old body. !!
02-14-05, 02:12 PM
That's hilarious, I didn't know you have to show ID when you buy certain CD's! Especially when you're 38! LOL!
I know! I couldn't freakin believe it and when she asked me I was like...."excuse me?....what?!"
02-14-05, 02:23 PM
24, gonna be 25 on the 19th of February :-)
02-14-05, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by mykee
29, 25 in May...
Lolol yeah I think there would be many people willing to age down as time goes by ;)
02-14-05, 02:25 PM
16 and loving every minute of it! :D The emotional rollercoaster of the teenage years...can't get enough of it..haha
02-14-05, 02:39 PM
I think I'm 26, a few years a little hazzy though, could be wrong!
02-14-05, 02:50 PM
Guess Im the youngest so far.....
HINT: its in my name ;)
02-14-05, 02:52 PM
going to be 31 tomorrow :-)
Happy early birthday Bristen ;)
I'm 19, goin' onto 20 ( holy s**t time flies :| ) single and lookin' for some hottie or a group thing :)
Haha, , you're portal to females who love herps :D
02-14-05, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by clint545
I still get carded at the beer store:)
Working at the Beer Store is one of my many jobs and I recall carding a 38 year old at one time, give or take a year... Some people just don't show their age, and I rarely card at the Beer Store (shhh, that's a secret), unless it's blatantly obvious, but this person looked like she was 14 years old...
02-14-05, 03:26 PM
I don't really mind getting carded, another ten years and I'll be wishing they still did!:)
02-14-05, 04:03 PM
im 14 ... ... ... in 2 and a half weeks IM SO SICK OF BEING 13
thanx froggy
02-14-05, 04:27 PM
15 turning 16 in april 05
Cornsnake: Don't know where you've been, but more than half the members on here are younger than you.
Manitoban Herps
02-14-05, 04:43 PM
I pay for all of my herps food and them themselves and I'm only 14 Wade (Galad)
02-14-05, 04:45 PM
LOL Dozer!!! Aren't we all! (looking for a hottie or group thing!)
mmmm, where'd all the old herpers go? could it be something about the hobby? I'm 50 errr, yeah 3! dammit, where's my prunes!
02-14-05, 05:03 PM
32. turning 33 in April...
Didnt think everybody here was so young :)
02-14-05, 05:16 PM
I'll be 31 in May................:(
02-14-05, 05:38 PM
XYZ, ;)
You still look younger than any other 33 year old person.
02-14-05, 06:27 PM
Wow so far I been off on alot of you, but close by a few years but so far no prizes on getting any bang on, lol :D
There has to be more 30 and plus herpers here come on people don' t be bashful :D
02-14-05, 06:40 PM
mmmm, where'd all the old herpers go? could it be something about the hobby? What's your defination of old?
If you mean over 40...Guess they are shy. :p
02-14-05, 06:59 PM
Paul is turning 43
Lorraine is 41
02-14-05, 08:29 PM
02-14-05, 08:38 PM
Yup, well myself and my friend co-own our our herps some of our herps, but we pay all the herp cages, herps themselves, food, gear. Im 15 in 29 days, my friend is 16.
Yeah I recall a thread awhile ago about the age of our members, and there were more people above 40.(Not that thats old or anything, just most seem to be 14-35 right now)
I'll be 32 in april. And just starting!
02-15-05, 08:19 AM
My back says I'm 75
My brain says I'm 25
Berth certificate says 35
02-15-05, 09:35 AM
I recently turned 30 and although people tell me i look like i'm in my early 20's, that's starting to confort me less and less every time.
Originally posted by JimmyDavid
I recently turned 30 and although people tell me i look like i'm in my early 20's, that's starting to confort me less and less every time.
for some reason I thought you were like 18 or 19! lol
02-15-05, 03:19 PM
Cam Hanna-
"Yah, the free rent's a great thing. Next year or the year after I'll have to pay my own way though, plus university. I anticipate some difficulty but I'm hoping that by then my collection will be at least close to self sustaining. But I may have to trim down the numbers a little. Right now I have 32 snakes. I'm seventeen"
Thats great dude, yea university can be tough to come up with funds for. specially if your allready spending money on herps. GOing through it right now.
But best of luck getting that collect to be self sustaining, that would be great. I prob wont be at that stage for anouther 3 or 4 years.
"I pay for all of my herps food and them themselves and I'm only 14 Wade (Galad)"
Thats cool dude, but you sound like you took some offence to my post. Im sorry it was not my intention.
How big is your collection?
and where do you work? Hook me up with a job lol.
02-15-05, 04:14 PM
Ouch I thought you were in teens too, lol.
02-15-05, 04:41 PM
lol same 15 turning 16 next year...LOL....Connor
02-15-05, 06:02 PM
I'm 15 in Grade 10.
02-15-05, 06:55 PM
When I turned 40 I started counting backwards soooo in April I will be 36 :D
02-15-05, 07:05 PM
I'm 22 and I look like I am 16...will work out when I am 40 though!! Atleast that is what everyone says!!
king nick
02-15-05, 07:23 PM
almost the big 16.LOL
02-15-05, 07:51 PM
Hey Youngbuck ,theres nothing wrong with looking younger then what you are. I am 31 but am told all the time I look like I am in the mid twenties.Looking young definetly has its perks ,when you get older you will still be able to get all the young beautiful girls LOL..
Belive me I know my wife is 10 years younger then me she is at that perfect age of 21 (no complaints here).No matter how old I get she will still be looking good.........
02-15-05, 07:56 PM
turned 16 a few weeks ago yay
Manitoban Herps
02-15-05, 08:20 PM
I wasn't offened :p I have 40 herps, and I work at my parents business. i am gonna see if i can get a job at a local gasstation though :D
02-15-05, 08:43 PM
Old enough,
Corn snake are you 9 or 10?
02-15-05, 08:43 PM
To know better (lol)
02-15-05, 09:43 PM
16 watch the road!!!
and about the paying for my own Enclosures/herps, it sure helps working at a petstore!
Jeff Hathaway
02-16-05, 11:46 AM
Still 34 for a while yet...
Jeff Hathaway
Sciensational Sssnakes!!
02-16-05, 12:42 PM
almost 26 here, only a few months to go.
02-16-05, 01:26 PM
What makes you guys think i'm a teenager?
Originally posted by JimmyDavid
What makes you guys think i'm a teenager?
your photo?:D ...and maybe your signature? yes, i think so. lol
02-16-05, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by JimmyDavid
What makes you guys think i'm a teenager?
If the avatar is you, just made my decision on that, sorry but younger is better - no?
02-16-05, 01:57 PM
Your boyish good looks.......LOL :zi:
22 and a couple months here
02-16-05, 02:23 PM
A big 15 here. lol
02-16-05, 02:32 PM
I dont think you look like a teenager.. But you do look younger then 30, I would have said 22-24.. Which isint a badthing.
02-16-05, 03:20 PM
Scotty - 19 now 20 in March
Les - 44 now 45 in March
Well I'm 26, will be 27 in June. But raising 4yr triplets makes feel about 60 or so most days!! LOL, when my girls were 1yr old I was asked if I was sixteen, lol, I replied yup, I feel about sixtey. A good friend was still telling everyone I was only 20 or 21 she actually didn't know my age, I told her to do the math, I've got 4 yr old children and have been married for almost 9 yrs, doesn't really match up with being 20 or so. LOL, at least I dont' look too old I guess.
sigh, 26.... I think I'll stay here. ok?
02-16-05, 04:54 PM
Yeap! It's me on the avatar.
I guess that the fact that every now and then i come up with some real weird threads also doesn't make me look too adult, either. hehe ;) (remember the infamous "Nonsense Poems"?)
I'm curious now, Tony. You're actually 33, any pics of you?!
02-16-05, 08:28 PM
No, I dodge the paparazzi well :D
Just imagine a European look, shaved head, average build guy.......damn this feels like a dating profile :D
This is a photo my girl was goofing around with simple effects.
Stay tuned for a better one ;)
02-17-05, 09:51 AM
The big 1 - 9.
02-17-05, 11:50 AM
I'm 36.
I didn't think so many of you are as young as you are!!!!!
I'm turning 30 next week, but was hit on by a 22 year-old cutie last week, so I guess I'm not that far over the hill yet! LMAO! :)
Have a good one!
02-18-05, 03:42 PM
22 next week
02-18-05, 03:47 PM
24, although my friends tell me I act like a grumpy old man.
02-18-05, 10:22 PM
Two hundred and three in dog years but I feel much younger, like seventy or something.
02-19-05, 10:11 AM
Is it just me or are older people starting to look......not so old? Know what I mean? :(
02-19-05, 02:07 PM
02-19-05, 02:55 PM
Wow, we're all youngins LOL
I'm 20. I was actually kinda surprised that we're all so young, or at least young at heart :)
02-19-05, 03:38 PM
i will be 17 in June, then only one more year til FREEDOM!
Lol, I know what you mean. So many more herps for me to have at the age of 18 in my own place... By the way, welcome to the forums!
02-19-05, 03:50 PM
LOL.............freedom, over rated........usually means heavy responsibilities, debt and etc. :D
Just playing, well its true though ;)
02-19-05, 04:22 PM
Rikki: that's the main reason why i want to get out on my own, more herping possibilities!
BOAS_N_PYTHONS:lol, i know what you mean, that's why i don't want to get out on my own, OH GOD RESPONSIBILITIES!!!
lol...just jokin'...i think responsibities are a good thing, just not to many at one time, please!
Just turned 51. No cane yet but I did ride dinosaurs to school :d It beat the way my dad had to do it. He was always saying he walked barefoot up hill both ways in the snow.
02-26-05, 03:38 PM
21 with an extra 18 years experience:D
DNA Reptiles
02-26-05, 05:55 PM
David and I are old enough to know better!!!
02-26-05, 06:17 PM
20, turning 21 in may :D
07-11-05, 03:28 PM
27 in Oct
snake kid
07-11-05, 04:19 PM
i turned 14 in may
07-11-05, 04:29 PM
21.5....and getting younger (at least in my mind)
Gen Stryker
07-11-05, 06:22 PM
17, 18 in a few months.
monty bl python
07-11-05, 06:31 PM
i am 18
my turtle is 3 years
ball is 3 months
07-11-05, 07:11 PM
I just turned 34 on sunday the 10th.
hey Aaron you are actually 30 today old timer.........lmao
07-11-05, 07:52 PM
I turned 15 in may 24. I usually have to pay for my reptiles unless its for my birthday or christmas or somthing but I usually plan on getting them around those datezs anyway. I dont have to pay for feeders cuz I told mt mom that I was going to breed them when I first started and she freaked out and said that shed pay for them if I didnt breed.
KC Reptiles
07-11-05, 08:35 PM
17 years old
Edmond Y
07-11-05, 09:16 PM
I am 47 and is going to 48 by August, But my mind is somehow younger than 25.
07-13-05, 03:47 AM
I'm a miserable 41. Not lonely anymore, my 23 snakes keep me company. At least they don't leave you for another keeper.
Pollywog, snakes are always something you can rely on. Nothing miserable about being 41...
07-13-05, 01:50 PM
15 in November
07-13-05, 02:16 PM
26 in November.
Cant wait until im 16, being able to drive (legally) will be awesome, lol. One more year.
07-13-05, 09:11 PM
the big 4-0 in June
07-13-05, 09:19 PM
18 in 2 days
07-13-05, 09:25 PM
17 :( i feel old already though once im 20 i assume ill be wrinkly and dying :P
07-14-05, 03:04 PM
23.5 some days i feel young some days old lol
LOL I turned 47 this past Jan. and growing older is much better than the alternative!
Kare :medzoomey
15, birthdays on October 22.
07-20-05, 01:13 AM
Turning 13
07-20-05, 10:38 AM
25..and counting..
07-20-05, 11:27 AM
I'm 25 and Kerry is 28
Travis & Kerry
07-20-05, 12:02 PM
184 months.................
If your lazy thats 15 and 4 months lol.
41 :( and refuse to get older
07-20-05, 01:32 PM
21 in 3 weeks.
Wow what a bunch of youngin's I'm lookin' at 30 on july 30th but i feel 24. Man to be eighteen again,Do i ever miss those good ol' days.
07-21-05, 12:01 AM
I'd be 18.
07-21-05, 02:20 AM
22 for now
07-21-05, 02:30 PM
I am 14! wahoo
I'm going to be 31 on July 29th. I still feel like I'm 20! I really don't want to get any older!
Well i'm either 23, or turning 23. You'd have to ask the girlfriend. Of course she'd probably tell you i was 14... Wait, that sounds like im talking about something else... I meant because of my behaviour, not that... sick minds...
corn king 73
07-24-05, 04:12 PM
i'm 36 and thats old lol
07-24-05, 08:43 PM
16 in a month!
Boy Wonder
07-25-05, 12:47 AM
I am currently 21 years of age.
07-25-05, 02:44 AM
Just turned a half-century old!
Funny, when I was in my 20's, I really couldn't imagine myself at 50, but....I'm still here :zi:
I am 17 and i make and spend my own money on EVERYTHING for my 2 snakes and 3 lizards, thank you. the only thing my mom has bought for me is one $2 mouse for my king-corn
07-25-05, 11:32 AM
i'm a whopping 32 turning 33 in Jan but believe me when i say i feel a lot older LOL at least i still look young no wrinkles yet or grey hairs!
07-25-05, 11:37 AM
we are 25 and 40+ :rolleyes:
paul vader
07-25-05, 07:31 PM
99...dwon from 105 last year... :medwart: :medopen:
paul vader
07-25-05, 07:32 PM
dwon???....absinthe...not just for brekkie... :medtoothy
I am 44 - any other uros in Nova Scotia?
07-31-05, 01:25 AM
im 14 years young turning 15 in october
07-31-05, 01:44 AM
I am 17. I will be 18 December 7th and I cant wait!
08-04-05, 02:15 AM
I'm 23
and a Jimmy David... don't worry about people thinking you look young. You just look good to me and some of the members of this forum may just wish they looked that good... ever... Tony... lol Just kiddin ;)
08-04-05, 08:36 AM
I am 23 & 1/2 , My husband is 25 and turning 26 in September. We are married for one month. July 1st.
yaay! :medbigsmi
08-17-05, 08:46 PM
We're 19 and 22.
08-18-05, 02:21 AM
25 :medzoomey
08-18-05, 05:16 AM
eighteen :)
08-18-05, 09:17 AM
19 since augest 8th. yay
08-18-05, 09:21 AM
im 11 :medsmile:
YAYOOOOOO my bday was yesterday im 14 now
getten old can't remember if i posted on here or not.
29 for now
it's my Birthday today! 28! EEEk
08-18-05, 09:12 PM
31 and feeling like I am 60 sometimes
valerie b
08-27-05, 05:01 PM
i am 15 and 4mo, but wise beyond my years, lol ;)
08-27-05, 08:08 PM
snotty sixteen :medsly: :medfroner :zi:
08-27-05, 08:38 PM
28 as of aug 7
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