View Full Version : King Genetics

02-13-05, 11:05 AM
Are Cali King Genetics similar to Boas? For example,
an Albino and Hypo=100" dbl het Hypo/Albino?

Or AneryxAlbino = 100% dbl het Snow?


02-13-05, 12:55 PM

02-13-05, 12:56 PM
Although, in boas, hypo is DOMINANT, so hypo x albino is 50% hypo het albino and 50% are just 100% het albinos.

02-13-05, 02:16 PM
Ya, I am no pro at any sort of genetics :) I was guessing at the Boa Genetics. I have 2 Het Albino Boas but thats as far as I got so far.

02-13-05, 07:34 PM
I've never heard of Anery Cal Kings... There isn't any Erythrin present to be taken out -- or am I confused...? :confused:

02-13-05, 09:31 PM
No clue, I am the one doing the asking :)

02-14-05, 10:03 AM
Got to go with Will on this one - Cal kings already lack red pigment, so are anery to begin with. I am more comfortable with corn genetics, but from what I understand, many of their morphs are a bit different from those in corns. Where in corns, snows are a double homozygous for anery and amel, in cal kings they are a double homozygous for amel and the melanistic variant that produces an almost completely black cal king. When you have that complete infusion of black and the amel version, you get an almost completely white snake.

I have asked before about lavender being a type of hypo that is distinct from amel, but haven't gotten any clear answers. Doesn't seem it is as well worked out in cal kings as in the floridas, or fewer people can share the info.

mary v.