View Full Version : My constrictors

Ivan (NL)
02-13-05, 06:22 AM
The males:






Ivan (NL)
02-13-05, 06:24 AM
And the females:









02-13-05, 06:26 AM
looks good except the heat lamps should be covered bt spme thing to stop the snakes from getting burnd

Ivan (NL)
02-13-05, 06:33 AM
the females have their spots hidden so they can't reach them, the males get a new cage (lot bigger) so this is temporary. never burnt themselves by the way.

02-13-05, 06:48 AM
yet is the key word better safe than sorry , I just lost most of my snakes becouse if a f up dont want anyone to have to go through that

02-13-05, 09:40 AM
Nice setups!! I would actually build them some nice big water bowls with some small draining system :)!!

Ivan (NL)
02-13-05, 11:07 AM
the round circle in the lowest platform is the place where normally their swimming pool is situated :)

02-13-05, 11:41 AM
That's a nice set up but have to agree with that light bulb. I've heard of snakes (mainly ATB's) but I'm sure any could do it, get pissed off and striking at their heat source they would be sorry, possibly electricution,cutting themselves on glass, and burning in the best case scenario.

Manitoban Herps
02-13-05, 11:44 AM
Those are awesome set ups! And very nice looking BCI's! :D

02-13-05, 12:12 PM

Very nice and creative cages and beautiful boas as well :D


Ivan (NL)
02-13-05, 12:42 PM
Thanx for the compliments!

I build the cage 3 years ago when they were little:


Light bulbs above and a heating mat beneath the left corner, swimming pool at the right en lot's of climbing posibility's.

At the time I had 3 female's. At this time I have 5 female's that need to my opinion more space. Knowing it's better to house them seperate but didn't build the cage for one snake at the time.

A more recent picture of the cage (with two more females and also all grown bigger)


And last a funny picture:


02-13-05, 12:44 PM
I really like that one setup. I counted 4 boas in one enclosure though, are they always in there together? And do you feed them all in there together? I also agree it would be a good idea to cover up the lights!


Ivan (NL)
02-13-05, 12:52 PM
At first I fed them in their cage, one above, one in the middle and one at the ground. The last two year I feed them in little plastic cages (during feeding one snake in the cage ofcourse):



02-13-05, 12:58 PM
Great looking boas and OUTSTANDING cages! I love that angled one.. I assume it's under a stairwell?

02-13-05, 09:36 PM
You have some nice looking snakes there. I love the really light one in the last pic.

02-14-05, 02:43 AM
That's a wicked looking enclosure, how is it for heat/humidity?
I'm going to have to repeat the other posters though, baaaad idea with the open bulbs like that, and baaaad idea housing them together.

Damn I sound like a sheep! LOL

Ivan (NL)
02-14-05, 06:21 AM
Originally posted by Linds
You have some nice looking snakes there. I love the really light one in the last pic.

that snake is also my favorite, at that picture she looks extreme light but in daylight she shows beautiful colours:


Ivan (NL)
02-14-05, 06:25 AM
Originally posted by HumphreyBoagart
That's a wicked looking enclosure, how is it for heat/humidity?
I'm going to have to repeat the other posters though, baaaad idea with the open bulbs like that, and baaaad idea housing them together.

Damn I sound like a sheep! LOL

the heat and humidity is perfect, the open bulbs aren't the best solution but also not as bad as seems to be; noting went wrong for more than 2 years.

02-15-05, 06:11 PM
man i want a boa now...i really like the set up under the stairs...snazzy!..LOL and that was funny about the sheep thing!...Connor

02-16-05, 12:36 AM
Very nice brah you have some sweet lookin enclosures :)

02-16-05, 05:00 AM
I'm impressed with the angled enclosure too. Seeing as I am planning on building an enclosure, you have given me a few ideas on the design. I might be going back to the drawing board now.

Ivan (NL)
02-16-05, 12:03 PM
Thnx for al compliments!

One thing: the angled enclosure is not under a stair it's just built in the shape of my room (living at a first floor appartment)

02-18-05, 04:10 PM
beautiful snakes!

02-18-05, 04:11 PM
I love your setup! WAY cool and it looks fun for the boids too! Nice.

02-19-05, 01:21 AM
Great boa's and awesome cage.Very creative and great excercise for the boa's.