View Full Version : New hell-beast :P

02-12-05, 11:21 PM
I just got this little guy a few days ago. What he lacks in current size, he more then makes up with his insane temperment. I guess its time to invest in a good pair of welding gloves and see if he'll come around :P



02-12-05, 11:30 PM
welding gloves?
he'll learn nothing from that.. :)
just tough it out man..

02-12-05, 11:34 PM
tough it out eh? i'm tired of having teeth embedded in random parts of my body :P

I've got a coastal tooth in my knuckle, and a few blood teeth in the back of my head.

regardless of his temperment, he certainly is fun :)

Ryan Pye
02-12-05, 11:48 PM
Inthe back of your head?? No offence just that sounds hillarious, how did you get tagged in the back of the head?


02-12-05, 11:49 PM
justin..you arent supposed to pick up bloods with your ears man...


02-13-05, 07:03 AM
Good I thought it was just me! Back of the head?

02-13-05, 08:01 AM
I was holding a friends blood something spooked it. it spun around on me, i turned my head quickly and it got the back of my head. it also pulled itself around and i got musked all over. it wasn't too fun.


02-13-05, 11:27 AM
` Baby Yellow Anacondas who are aggressive often will calm with the right husbandry.
` A water container, just large enough to get into, they like it cramped, over a warm spot in the floor, 77 to 84 degrees water temperature. Soaking water isn't absolutely necessary to their health, but soaking makes them feel invisible, and secure, and can help cure an aggressive baby. Change water daily, even if it looks clean! Flat newspaper ( black and white ) with lots of crumpled, and balled newspaper on top of it, so he can make his own hides. Keep traffic around cage at a minimum.
` Regular, 12 on 12 off, photoperiod.
` Put a shirt that you've worn for a day in with him, change it every couple of days. Let him live with your scent.
` Watch his lung action. Hyperventilation for long periods of time means stress is accumulating. When he starts to calm, his breathing will slow, and eventually may not speed up when you approach him. When they work out, they do breathe heavily, but will slow down when still, and not stressed.
` Be patient with him. The problem with him is that he is terrified. Don't worry about feeding. The Anaconda pictured could go months without feeding, then begin feeding with no health problems.
` Gloves will be counter-productive. Not a good idea at all. When he bites, just hold perfectly still. Wait for him to release. You can tell a lot about your individual snake by how he bites. Letting every one else's snake doesn't do you any good, but letting this one bite you may help solve the problem. Teeth are less likely to get imbedded if you hold still. Hell, he's just a little worm. lol Good luck!

02-13-05, 04:53 PM
An easy solution is simply don't get bit.. Buy a snake hook.... lol, problem solved

02-13-05, 09:04 PM
Lol, that is a beauty, my fiance wants a green anaconda, lol.

about being bitten, I have never been bitten(*knocks on wood*) and I have held A LOT of snakes, because of a place I worked, including a 9 foot yellow head retic, and a 6 foot afrock, not bitten once ;) came close a few times though, lol.

although my fiance got bitten a few times, lol

02-14-05, 11:15 AM
` Hey, the only way you really know you've got them is when they bite you. Until they do, you don't really have their attention. LOL
` not my picture

02-14-05, 12:06 PM
Congrats on the new addition!

02-15-05, 09:01 AM
Ouch!! That's all I can say about that pic. :)

02-16-05, 12:50 PM
Great lookin' snake...regardless of it's temper...Congrats~!

02-16-05, 03:26 PM
Nice looking snake. congrats Justin!

Scotty & Les

02-16-05, 06:39 PM
Very nice yellow, very clean.

02-20-05, 10:54 PM
I've got a female yellow about 5 ft. She's never bitten or struck at me. She was a little skiddish during handling at first but calmed down a good bit. Just be patient. Your snake is gorgeous too, by the way.

03-06-05, 04:44 PM
Looks good justin


03-06-05, 05:49 PM
Very nice snake, Hopefully he calms down for you, I managed to go years without being bitten this year I had my first 2, one from a pissed off ETB, which was nothing but a nice bruise because of the punctures, and one from my little albino burm, he got me good (my own fault I reached my hand in to get his water bowl right after handling the rats that were thawing out next to his cage, can you say dumb lol ) Any way I just completely relaxed my arm and let him constrict, any movement only made it worse after a few he let go and I have to say I much preferred that then the thought of forcing him off , left no scaring, just a few days to heal up all the tooth marks and minor cuts.

dfr, I Love the pick of you hand feeding that Yellow . I have a blood python that I know I could do that with but I haven’t dared try Just seems like I would be pushing my luck, But if I ever do I will have a pic of it to show off Maybe I’ll try it next week then at the very least I can show off a few pic’s of why It was a bad choice lol.


03-07-05, 12:01 PM
` Hand feeding was his idea, when he was a few weeks old. It wasn't a risk then, and he didn't stress from it. I wouldn't try initiating it with an older snake, especially a giant constrictor. If one bites, and won't let go, the trauma of being forcibly removed can permanently change their behavior.
` The big guy continues to be lazy about feeding, however. He acts unconcerned about feeding, then opens up when I bump his nose with food. He'll let me push it down his throat, then just swallow it. If I put food in with him, he usually ignores it for hours, and often doesn't take it, at all. I think he's just lazy.

03-07-05, 10:44 PM
haha thats one lazy snake

03-08-05, 12:46 PM
Lazy?! Haha That's smart~!! That snake's got it made :D I need to try that with my girlfriend and see if she will feed me the same way~!! ;D