View Full Version : Question and new.....ummm Baby Maker

02-12-05, 05:50 PM
Hey all, do rats require or need something like and exercise wheel? And here is the newest addition to me breeding program,

meet Ron Jeremy
<IMG SRC='http://usera.imagecave.com/greenman1867/RonJeremydayone.JPG'>

He will be teamed up with Rocco, Candy and Sassy, and a couple more girls soon.

Shawn & Laura

02-12-05, 05:57 PM
Lol, he almost looks like Ron Jeremy with his big brown thing on hair on his head. Good stuff. Rats will use a wheel but it's not necessary like hamsters who will run their little hearts out. They prefer toys better I think.


02-12-05, 06:08 PM
I think he'll get enough exercise from the 3 exercise machines you already have! (Rocco, Candy and Sassy) ;) :p

02-12-05, 06:13 PM
LOL Well, hopefully not Rocco if you get my drift.........;)

02-12-05, 06:18 PM
is rocco another male? If so you should just start another group, because they will likely kill each other fighting over the females.

Otherwise since he is nothing but a breeder, he doesn't need anything special.

02-12-05, 07:40 PM
Ya they are bothe males but seperated, for now, a couple more females are coming tomorrow.

02-12-05, 08:09 PM
Well I am curently attending College in a Vet Program we just finished our Exotics section. 2 weeks ago we covered rodents.

It turnes out that although Pet stores sell them all the time Rats and Gerbils shold not have runnig wheels due to the fact that there tails are too long and wheels are the leading cause of tail injuries.

As well I have ben raising rats now for 2 years and I have observed that the females tend to fight more ofhen then the males. ppl tend to think that rats are like mice when it comes to aggresing twords each other or the offspring. Now don't get me wrong I am not saying that they do not fight just not as much as ppl think they do. If you have any more questions feel free to Pm me if need be.

The ReptiZone
Marc Doiron

02-12-05, 09:24 PM
Maybe so repti, but if you put 2 males in with females, they will fight!

and they now have wheels for ratties ;)
