View Full Version : male rats and babies

02-10-05, 11:39 PM
I just bought a pregnant rat at the pet store and she looks like she's about to pop. I brought her home and I put her in the cage with my male rat. When she has babies, will the male try to kill them? The male hasn't been around baby rats since he was one himself. Thanks

02-11-05, 12:23 AM
How old is he? He *should* be fine asd long as he isn't too old. Older rats that are kept solitary can develop social problems, sometimes not ever being able to adapt to 'family life' again. Male rats typically will only kill babies that they believe aren't theirs, but they aren't THAT smart... hehehe... as long as she has the babies with him, he will believe they are his. Trouble usually happens when they are introduced after the babies are born.