View Full Version : Is Bongo going to die? :(

02-09-05, 10:53 PM
I have only had my pacman for a couple of weeks. When I first got him he ate very well and pooped regularly. Now, he hasn't eaten a thing in about a week... and he's only had 1 cricket at that time.

He's been quite active but tonight I notice that it's barely moving. I picked him up to look at him and his throat isn't really moving but it does move it's arms and legs a bit. Usually when I nudge his bum he will hop but tonight when I do it I have to nudge him quite a bit to get him to move at all.

It hasn't lost any weight and still looks to be the same size, but I have no idea what's going on. I know it's not uncommon for them not to eat and that's not really what's worrying me... the thing that has me worried is the fact that it's barely moving right now. His pupils are very tiny and it's just sitting there.

The temperature is at about 75 or 76 so it's not cold or anything and it's got lots of moisture as well as a pool.

Please help me.... I don't want Bongo to die. He seemed fine earlier today...

02-09-05, 11:02 PM
I've also noticed that the bottom of his right back foot is bleeding ever so slightly... i think it might be a cricket bite.

It's not dripping blood or anything but it's just a little drop....

I hate this. His throat isn't moving at all but the frog will still puff up a little and sit up a bit when i touch it.

02-09-05, 11:11 PM
im really not sure what it could be....im not even sure if what im gonna suggest is a good idea.. hopefully someone with more experience with pacmans will help you out... but maybe bring the temperature up a little bit.. maybe he has a minor impaction.. could be why he stopped eating and pooping... and you should probably try and leave him alone as much as possible.. like i said this might not be the best thing to do.. but it's what i would try..hope you figure out how to help it and it gets better...


02-09-05, 11:34 PM
change the subatrate and keep me posted
could it be a acid sore? mine get them alot is so wash it out and put polysporon in/on it

thanx froggy

02-09-05, 11:51 PM
Originally posted by the_frog_man
change the subatrate and keep me posted
could it be a acid sore? mine get them alot is so wash it out and put polysporon in/on it

thanx froggy

Don't you think you should know what kind of substrate is being used before you tell her to change it??

02-10-05, 06:00 AM
As I said in a previous thread about his eating habits, Bongo is on peat moss because we can't get eco-earth, bed-a-beast, or coco-fibre anywhere around here. I was told by lots of people that it was a suitable bedding.

I did have a bit of green moss in the tank for a while but I took it out because the crix were hiding in it and it would go in his mouth when he was trying to eat.... is there any way that the moss may have impacted him? It was Fluker's moss so I wouldn't think it would... but who knows.

Bongo is still alive this morning and is in a different spot in the tank from where I had left him last night. He's still not moving much and his throat is still not moving either...

I'm happy he's still alive but i'm still worried.

02-10-05, 10:36 AM
Is putting stuff on an amphibians' skin a good idea? I truly have no idea and am just asking. I was under the impression that they can absorb what ever comes in contact with their skin...

I've seen crested geckos choke on moss before, but I personally wouldn't be as worried if my pac man ate any. Just my opinion though, I hope some other more experienced froggers can help you out :)

02-10-05, 12:36 PM
I'm sad to say that Bongo didn't make it. He was gone when I got home from work today:(

I just wish I knew what happened...

02-10-05, 12:44 PM
im sorry to hear about your loss... its always hard to loose an animal...

02-10-05, 05:10 PM
sorry :'(
i hope this wont deture you away from amphibians

thanx froggy

02-10-05, 06:08 PM
RIP Bongo...