View Full Version : Rubbermaid?

02-09-05, 05:38 PM
Has anyone ever kept a Savannah in a rubbermaid?! I never heard of such a thing until today I went to the pet store to get some crickets untill I get my shipment and a guy was in there and mentioned he needed good size mice for a 2 ft sav. So I over heard it and began to talk with him and I asked what he was keeping him in and he said a 95 gallon rubbermaid like storage bin for christmas trees... For one I didn't know they made such a thing and for 2 is that even a good idea? I advised he made his own cage but I could be totally in the wrong here as he said he's been keeping Savs for years like this.

02-10-05, 01:03 PM
I've never heard of anyone keeping Savannah's in rubbermaid's other than for transportation.

But as long as the ventalation, temperature and the size of the rubbermaid are appropriate - I don't see why it wouldn't make a suitable enclosure.

02-10-05, 02:17 PM
Yeah I know they are used for transportation, I plan on transporting my female Savannah I'm picking up from N. Inc. at the PA show in a rubbermaid but I don't know I guess a rubbermaid is better than a glass enclosure with a screen top.

02-14-05, 09:09 AM
I've used rubbermaids for small monitors. I cut out a square of the lid and glue in a piece of plexi to see the monitor on one end. The other end i install a ceramic light fixture, and use 50 watt halogen floods. For me, it works great and is easy to clean. Good temporary enclosure for sure. I see nothing wrong with it either; as long as it's setup properly of course.